The birth place of bak kut teh, Klang, has perhaps one of the most competitive bak kut teh scene in the country, with population of some 750,000 (according to wikipedia) and a claimed of some 3-500 bak kut teh restaurants,
KY eats – Old Style Teck Seong Bak Kut Teh, Klang
A couple weeks ago one of my friends, Michael, a true born & bred Klang guy sent me a picture of a bowl of old school bak kut teh via WhatsApp and claimed that this place is so good they
KY eats – Handmade Bao at More at Klang Food Centre
Sometimes last year, I wrote an entry about curry chicken pao in USJ 4’s New Apollos kopitiam. Well, today we talk about the supplier of those pao – Restoran Klang Food Centre at Klang. Restoran Klang Food Centre The restaurant is