One of the harder thing to do when it comes to food is to have an open mind, of not having a preconception of reputation and who “should” be able to produce what sort of cuisine best. It is something
KY eats – Garupa Fish Meehun at TaukeFish Recipe, Kota Kinabalu
On my last trip to Sabah for work, Ben, as usual, brought me to one of those special food places where tourist business isn’t one of their aims. The place is called Taukefish Recipe, a restaurant with a rather peculiar
KY cooks – Fried Meehun with Canned Stew Pork
One of the many wonderful dishes that mom makes when we were a kid involves fatty pork and meehun, and whenever she cooked them, we would finish it in record time. The succulent and overly savory pork with those soft