I remember when I went to the States to study close to 10 years ago, one of the things that I look forward to was a particular brand of cookie. At the time this favorite cookie hasn’t hit the local
KY – Recycle Bin Parody

The company I’m working for (yes, I do have a day job) comprises of people from across the globe, each with their unique cultural background, language accent, and most importantly, brand of humor. One fine morning when I stopped by
KY – the day I hit a side view mirror with my bicycle
Back in my high school days, I had to cycle everyday from Tanjung Tokong to Ayer Itam. It was a long way, and I was the one who cycles the longest distance compared to the few hundred other poor high
KY – Phone pranks before the mobile phone era
Back in my high school days, there were no such thing as affordable mobile phones. If you were a highly connected person, you’d have a pager. Everyone uses the public phones and household land lines for across the wire communications.
KY Ponders – flip phone vs clamshell phone (Kimbedy series)
The gang and I were on one of our many eating trips and the topic somehow turned to mobile phones. The gang, of course, includes the wonderfully colorful personality that is the famous Kimberly. Kimberly: I like clamshell phones KY:
KY saw – Saddest Chicken and Sotong Pictures
Two of the saddest pictures of the day. A picture speaks a thousand words, so here I present to you this 2000+ word post. how sad… how cruel.. cheers!
My Computer
Technology News reported today that Microsft is dropping the “My” prefix from “My Computer”, “My Documents” and the likes from the next version of windows. Now this is going to clear up some confusions about who’s document to explore on
Quiz time with Fuckstress
This is from one of my chat sessions with fuckstress over instant messenging. Yeah I talk to her, envy? KY: ok lets play one game.. want?fuckstress: lame donkey dick reasoningfuckstress: play lahKY: ok.. i say a word, u say the