I’ve always enjoyed some good old fashion herbal soup, and since we’re in this corona virus lock down period (yes, many years later we’ll all still remember this wonderful Q2 of 2020..), going to Keong Kee at Pudu is out of the question, so home cooked it is then!
I got the inspiration of making this herbal coconut chicken soup off an insta story post of someone I followed (sadly can’t remember who). Recipe turns out to be rather simple and straight forward, here goes.
- one coconut (you can get this from grocery store)
- a few small pieces of chicken
- a small chunk of ginger
- goji berries
- solomon’s seal (or other herbs)
- salt and pepper to taste
- empty out the coconut and put all ingredients within
- add back coconut juice (or water if you’ve already drank the juice like I did)
- double boil (steaming essentially) for 2-2.5 hours on low heat
- alternatively, pressure cooked for 20-25 minutes
- salt to taste and ready to serve!\
It was a surprisingly easy to prepare meal, and definitely something that I will do again. Now maybe I need a coconut tree…
Check out more simple recipe here.
KY cooks – Homecooked Herbal Coconut Chicken
Wow, you’ve given me an idea too…looks so simple. If we use the coconut water instead of just plain water, I wonder if the soup would be too sweet. Double boil or steamed soups are the best. I can see that soups and fried rice is your thing! 😉 P/S: Must fix my feed, your posts are still not showing up.
eatwhateatwhere: haha ya chinese style ma. coconut water maybe too sweet, you’re right, I used water and it was already quite sweet from the coconut meat.
Looks like you used those cling-wrapped coconuts with coconut water that they sell in the shops?
suituapui: yess that’s indeed what i used 😀
Pingback:Here’s a tasty recipe for herbal coconut chicken soup – Tree of Longevity