Hello everyone, lets talk about the climate today. To be specific, the climate in Malaysia, and especially around Klang Valley.

Below is a part of a chart obtained from tutiempo.net, a weather service website, of the climate data taken at Subang Airport for the last 6 decades or so.

KL climate historical data

The legends:

  • T – Annual average temperature (°C)
  • TM – Annual average maximum temperature (°C)
  • Tm – Annual average minimum temperature (°C)
  • PP – Total annual precipitation of rain and / or snow (mm)
  • V – Annual average wind speed (Km/h)
  • RA – Total days with rain during the year
  • SN – Total days with snow during the year
  • TS – Total days with thunderstorm during the year
  • FG – Total days with fog during the year
  • TN – Total days with tornado or funnel cloud during the year
  • GR – Total days with hail during the year

Notice that average temperature, average maximum, and average minimum temperature taken were all up by almost 2 degree Celsius since the mid 70s. In fact, back in the days we even experienced a few hail storms!

So when your parents say that it was much cooler back in the days, they weren’t just speaking through the lens of nostalgia.

my electrical meter reading

Next, look at the electricity consumption history of my house, taken from TNB e-Services website. For your info, the bill ending mid February was over RM 400.00, with one big chunk of power undoubtedly contributed from the two old school air conditioners running at home due to the recent hot & dry spell of the local weather.

Which brings us the main topic of the day – the Sharp inverter Air Conditioners.

Inverter Air Conditioner technology

Now you might ask, what is inverter?

In laymen’s term, air conditioner with inverter circuitry can control room temperature by switching the compressor between high and low operation modes, while the non-inverter type can only switch it full on and full off.

The benefit is two fold – you get a more even room temperature control, and at the same time, it reduces power consumption by up to 50.3%.

Sharp Plasmacluster Ions AC

Well, plenty of air conditioners now come with inverters, right?

Now what sets Sharp apart is their Plasmacluster Ion technology.

With the situation of haze and generally more polluted city air these days, Plasmacluster Ion technology uses the actions of positive and negative ions to clean up airborn contaminants and create a more pleasant living space.

Sharp AC

Other features available from Sharp ACs include powerful jet, gentle cool, and nature wing design for fan blade for maximum energy efficiency.

So if you’re looking for air conditioning units, or perhaps thinking of upgrading your current air conditioners, take a look at what Sharp has to offer.

There are a wide range of Plasmacluster Ion and non Plasmacluster Ion inverter ACs. The line up also includes non-inverter models and comfort Eco as well.

For more information, check out www.sharp.com.my

Lets talk about Air Conditioning
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13 thoughts on “Lets talk about Air Conditioning

  • March 5, 2014 at 4:13 pm

    ooo, i could go for this. my home air-conditioner just celebrated its 10th birthday, and i’m not sure it’ll make it to teenagehood 😀

    • March 6, 2014 at 9:21 am

      Sean: hahaha, time to upgrade!

  • March 5, 2014 at 4:14 pm

    I’ve stopped using air conditioner recently! wanna increase my body’s metabolism rate! hahahaha 😳

    • March 6, 2014 at 9:21 am

      Ken: does it work? hahaha.

    • March 6, 2014 at 9:21 am

      The Yum List: yah, or we can all move to genting!

  • March 9, 2014 at 12:03 am

    KY,my cousins live in the east bay of northern Calif. The AC Transit buses still have lot of them no A/C and on warm and hot days it still like an oven riding them. Drivers and passengers suffer in it and could hardly wait to head home or to where they are going.

    San Francisco lucky all buses and street cars have heaters and a/c in them so no problem. Hawaii all buses have it for years.

    • March 9, 2014 at 6:42 pm

      Vickie: no A/C on summer is going to be so nuts.

  • May 6, 2015 at 3:18 pm



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