What if I told you that you could help under privileged children in every single state in Malaysia just by moving yourself?

healthy lifestyle, on the move
of course, there’s always health benefits to be had too

Yep, this is exactly the movement Rexona is creating.

Rexona is creating a movement where women are encouraged to participate by walking, running, or various other activities to contribute to social cause which Rexona will fund and support once the target is met. You contribute with sweat, Rexona turn it to donations.

This is Rexona MOVE.

Rexona MOVE, traversing across the country
Rexona MOVE, traversing across the country

It is simple to participate.

First, go to Google Play or iTune AppStore and download the Rexona MOVE application to your Android of iOS devices. Install and connect it to your facebook account. This takes maybe a minute or two.

shopping is also among the activities, now you have no excuses
shopping is also among the activities, now you have no excuses

To participate, simply click Start and choose an activity from the list. There’s badminton, basketball, cycling, dancing, indoor running, rollerblade, running, shopping, skipping, volleyball, walking, and others.

Yes, shopping is an activity you can choose, now there’s no excuse.

and I walked more than 1 KM to lunch
and I walked more than 1 KM to lunch

If you choose walking, for example, the application will activate the phone’s GPS and track how long you’ve walked. Each session is then captured and submitted to the movement.

The goal is capture a total of 10,695 KM, the distance to traverse entire Malaysia.

it's a baby step, but it helps
it’s a baby step, but it helps

So I purposely walked a little further for lunch just to test this application. The distance from my office to Imbi wet market turned out to be around 1.3 KM each way, and the application worked well even when the phone is tucked inside my jean’s pocket.

That session got me a “baby steps” badge, I’ll just need a bit more to get to the next level.

It’s a fun and easy way to contribute, you don’t need to be an athlete or a very active sports person to participate. So get moving and start helping. In the mean time, Rexona deodorants will help give you the confidence to handle these activities and whatever else that’s thrown to you during the day.

Great news, due to tremendous support, we’ve actually exceeded the targeted 10695 kilometers! To those who have contributed to this, thank you, and keep it up and do not stop moving as the more you move the more good you do.

To those who has just heard of this, get starting. 😀

Ladies! Get Moving with Rexona MOVE
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4 thoughts on “Ladies! Get Moving with Rexona MOVE

  • June 21, 2013 at 6:35 pm

    KY, you want ladies to biking well my mom brought a tricycle at Walmart store and moment she took it out store to biked she fell off of it. No body fall off of a tricycle! Well she did and broke her glasses and some of her teeth too. Face was bang up looking also. How? She not to go down hill not knowing how to break or use break that how. She kept on saying to herself stupid stupid stupid.

    She also get two bikes sitting at home never touch them yet with helmet too. One was a A Bike that fold up and a kick scooter also. That my mom for sure.

  • June 24, 2013 at 12:04 pm

    well done KY. U must be one of the healthiest food bloggers I know;)

    • June 24, 2013 at 1:51 pm

      Ciki: the feeling is mutual, ciki 😀


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