Hai Peng kopitiam is no stranger to the beach goers and divers alike who frequent the beautiful islands at the East Coast of Malaysia – Redang, Tenggol, Lang Tengah, and Perhentian alike.

The kopitiam is strategically located at Cukai, at the Southern tip of Terengganu; which means it is about the end of trunk roads before heading to Karak Highway. The perfect place for a rest stop after a nice weekend dive trip before continuing the journey back to Klang Valley.

Hai Peng Kopitiam at Kemaman
Hai Peng Kopitiam at Kemaman

On my recent dive trip to Lang Tengah island, that was precisely what we did.

The kopitiam was established 3 generations ago (1940), and the old owner can still be seen hanging around while the younger generations run things.

Hai Peng serves quite a good variety of different foods, and they are the truly 1Malaysia restaurant before 1Malaysia was hip. You can find nasi lemak, nasi dagang, toast, meehun goreng, tapai, half boiled eggs, and a host of other things suitable for any race or religion to consume.

curry puff, tapai, prawn crackers, toast with banana and peanut butter
curry puff, tapai, prawn crackers, toast with banana and peanut butter

To start, we had some of their curry puff, prawn crackers (very light and flavorful), and tapai. The tapai comes wrapped in some leaves and were really good, I wished there were some cendol to with.

Their packet nasi lemak came soon after and we grabbed a few packets too, it was oily, spicy, and an absolute must try to those who love things wholesome and not in a diet.

half boiled egg, nasi lemak, special curry toast, garlic bread
half boiled egg, nasi lemak, special curry toast, garlic bread

The half boiled egg at Hai Peng is a little tricky, they serve the eggs in a jar of boiling water, and it’s up to you to know when the eggs are ready. As a rule of thumb, 5 mins is about half boiled, and 7-8 mins 3/4 boiled, and so forth. The one in the photo was about 7 minutes.

Horng ordered this curious toast that had banana and peanut butter in them. While the description might be a bit gross, it actually tasted very good and the dude ended up ordering a second portion.

For those who love things spicy, the special curry toast is a must order. The set comes with a sunny side top, a big piece of toast, and curry chicken with potato that is very, very spicy. Not for the faint hearted.

special coffee breeze, pina colada, kopi ice
special coffee breeze, pina colada, kopi ice

Then of course, there’s the coffees. I love their iced coffee (tho not enjoying the plastic cup), and probably should have ordered the hot coffee instead.

The special coffee breeze was sort of a local version of those Starbucks ice blended on steroid, a bit too much flavor going on I thought. The pina colada, on the other hand, was a disappointment, overly sweet and of course, no alcohol.

map to Hai Peng Kopitiam

Food at Hai Peng had more hits than misses, and definitely a decent stopover place on return trips. They are opening up branches here in KL soon, but it remains to be seen if the quality suffers.

Hai Peng Kopitiam
K-3753, Jalan Sulaimani,Chukai,Kemaman
Terengganu, 24000, Malaysia
GPS: 4.2351, 103.4225
Tel: 09-859 7810

KY eats – Hai Peng Kopitiam at Kemaman, Terengganu
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6 thoughts on “KY eats – Hai Peng Kopitiam at Kemaman, Terengganu

    • September 18, 2011 at 1:37 pm

      Nikel: you’re welcome 😀

  • September 16, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    banana-peanut butter sandwiches were supposed to be elvis presley’s favorite food! maybe hai peng’s chef from the previous generation was inspired by elvis to put this on the menu here 😀

    • September 18, 2011 at 1:37 pm

      Sean: ooOo interesting trivia, learn something new everyday 😀

  • October 22, 2011 at 8:39 pm

    the tapai is wrapped in rubber tree leaves
    they do the same in kelantan

    • October 23, 2011 at 11:20 pm

      Win Sern: ahh, so that’s what those leaves are!


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