I remember when MIX FM was launched, I was still in college (yes, I’m not exactly a young boy), and immediately it became one of my favorite stations until now. The music is just perfect for generation-x listeners, with a good mixture of latest hits and those tunes we’re familiar with while growing up.
Best of both worlds, keeping in touch with our roots and at the same time, ensuring we don’t get caught off guard while trying to blend into the younger crowds. hehe
MIX FM also makes a good companion during the morning rush hour whenever I drive to work. Poor JD & Dilly of MIX’s Breakfast Show are probably the only two person I know who had to start work at 6am. I thought waking up before 6:30 am is already such a drag, poor guys.
Despite starting off so early in the morning, these guys do bring a dose of energy to the radio, and usually manage to come up with something funny to kill of the Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday blues.
One of my favorite segment’s gotta be “Battle of the Sexes”, male vs female, JD vs Dilly, on equal ground. Exciting stuff 😀
And if you’re a music buff (or a lucky bugger), from now till 1st of April the Breakfast Show will shell out RM 1000 if you are able to identify all 4 songs played in a snippet with title and artist.
If you don’t get them all correct, it is RM 100 per correct title. The total pay out is RM 50,000, so are you gonna be able to take 1K out of it?
Tune to MIX weekdays from 6am to 10am then, good luck!
hi bro how are you? hope you are fine and kicking!
wondering why so many radio station these days giving out cash to attract listeners?
clement: money is the best sort of prize ma 😀
JD and dilly used to be from Red fm wor and i used to listen to them every morning but suddenly disappeared from the station and replaced by other 2 deejays…
connie: yaa, they moved to MIX
2 of my previous role in my ex company requires me to start 530AM and 630AM respectively. It’s a bored when the radio station don’t have any DJ during those hours…
JD: wah that’s real early!
Yeah, it’s a good trend of having more radio channels to listen to. Back when I was a kid, there was only 1 English channel in Sibu.
Huai Bin: ahh, the days of local radio stations!