You don’t get to know 500 million friends without making a few enemies.
This is the movie we’ve all been waiting for, unless you don’t have a facebook account, that is. Since you’re reading this piece, here’s a chance to get your hands on the tickets! Read on.
Update: screening date has been changed, see below!
On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history… but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications.
Do check out Mark Zuckerberg’s facebook profile, this is one guy who doesn’t need to sing “I wanna be a billionaire… ”
Screening details:
Date: 1 Nov (Mon)Â 22nd Nov (Mon)
Time: 9 pm
Venue: GSC Mid Valley
Ticket collection: 8 pm till 9 pm
The official release date in Malaysia is 11 Nov, so you get to watch this a full 10 days ahead. The movie’s also currently rated 8.5/10 in imdb!
I’m gonna keep this simple, all you need to do is click the facebook “like” button on this post and at the same time comment “I want a ticket to this movie because..“. Bonus point if you tweet this post too 😛
Do it now! I have 18 tickets to give away and they’re moving quick. Be sure to put in your valid email address in the comment.
I want a ticket to this movie because i trust imdb much!!!!!!!!
cheesie: awesome you have it!
I want two tickets to this movie becuase I started it all from IRC #malaysia and #mamak founders!
God: ok there’ll be two going your way
i mau 2 tix also as i contributed to the malaysia’s statistical standing in social network usage. i do facebooking and twittering alot ok.
myhorng: ok you got it!
I want a ticket to this movie because i am social network addicts! can i have two please 😀
Jess: reply to this comment right now to get 2! hehehe, actually on second thought, you get two la we always write on each other’s wall on facebook all, will send you email confirmation.
hahahaha ! dont be so mean to me lah ! 😳 😳 😳
I want 2 tickets to watch the social network 🙂
Can I have them?
Ashlynne: alright you got em
I wan’t ! Can reserve two for me? Thank You.
mileginy: you got the 10th and 11th tickets.
i want 2 tixs to this movie because i wait for this movie too long until i almost vomit blood. and i do fb and tweet a lot…
karsoon: alright two for you to bring your amoi 😀 check your email soon yah. 12th and 13th
ribuan terima kasih, will wait for the confirmation email!!
*stands up* hi, my name is hennwei and i want two tickets because i am a facebook addict. *sits down*
hennwei: here you go! 😀 14th and 15th
i need 1 will do..
Wendy Pua: alright, ticket number 16 is yours.
I want one tickets because I love farmville!
sotong: ok 17th! 😀
saya mau 2 tix juga because I was dissapointed in my last movie outing. “Buried” was crap, need to make up for it! 👿
tambourinehero: there’s only 1 more left.. #18, do you still want it or else I pass to the next commenter. sorry yaa
I want two tickets to this movie please because i have never gotten free movie tickets before!
RudiK: argh gotta act faster next time!
gimme tambournehero’s ticket 😉
RudiK: I’m waiting for tambourinehero to answer..
count to 18 then if he doesnt reply it’s MINE ALLLLL MINE!!
RudiK: ok you got it, tambourinehero is willing to give up the 1 ticket
Enjoy on my behalf ya Rudy! 😀
thanks KY n Tambourinehero!
I want this tix to…
Sean: ahh if the other two commenters above you pass along the last tix…
How how how? *sob*…i only need one tix
Sean: maybe horny can give u good news! ask him ask him!
I want twoa ticket to this movie because I think Mark Zuckerberg is a genius because he had me hooked on Facebook everyday. 🙂
Celine: he is indeed genius but unfortunately i only have 18 tickets to give away… finished liao. :S
I want a ticket to this movie because I want to watch Free movie! 🙂
Norahs Zheng: argh slightly too slow this time, sorry.
1 am 19…………..;(
Norahs: sorry yaa, too fast too fast…
I want a ticket to this movie because I’m use to be a programmer just wondering how come he can become millionaire?
I would like to have 2 tickets as well thanks
Nian Tse: ahhh sorry too slow..
Dammit I want two tickets too but I’m too late 🙁
Mellissa: yah too damn fastttt
KY: It’s okay, I will just take one then. Thank you! 🙂
Celine: yah have to wait ya see if got any left. sorry.
KY: No worries. 🙂
aiseh…. nvm i try on next times
Nian Tse: sorry bro
aiyah i should drag myself out of beg earlier~ >.<
nekomeow: why were u still sleeping ah meow!
I want a ticket to this movie because I would like to persuade my boy friend to open a FACEBOOK account after i brought him for this movie!
Sandy: sorry all tickets snatched up liaoo
haha close shop business good wo !! if u are nasi lemak seller, damn untung lah
Jess: haha yah can fire all the marketing staffs!
I want 2 tickets to this movie because FB finally made me ditched Friendster.
Nic Gan: finished liao sorry 🙁
I want a ticket to this movie because I want to get 500 million friends. Hahahaha. I have less than 1k now 😎 Hahahaha.
vvens: you’re damn popular ok don’t mess! sorry tickets finished tho. 🙁
Hahaha what! Awww I am late T_T
vvens: yaa slightly :/
I want a ticket to this movie because it would be a great gift from facebook for my birthday 🙂
Helen: sorry tickets finished :S
Wow, a facebook theme movie…that’s something very new. Wait for DVD lor, since no more tickets! 😛
JD: hahah yah, or go to the cinema to watch 😀
I want a ticket to this movie because I want to know the story behind FaceBook.
Nicholase: sorry pro no more tix…
I want 2 tickets to this movie because I read his biography and the book social network…so I really wanna know how the movie is!! Please…
Farainie: awww sorry, ticket habis
i want a tix to this movie because KY is going! LOL…i know habis saja jer 😆
Yatz: hahaha kecoh!
I want the tix too because 500 billion dollars if I ever invented facebook that’s what it says in the trailler and I want to get popular with facebook…tiket habis??
Chloe: yaa, unfortunately…
too fast too furius… hahaha…. I’m too slow but yet will be fast when the movie opening at cinema… 😛
WanWan: haha yah we’ll all just have to wait a bit I guess. 🙂
i want the 2 tix because i addicted to fb , and it also i dont want to waste my money 😆
i want the 2 tix because i know the 2 tix was habis , 😥
Hadi: unfortunately, yah.. :S
So….. when will the Hollywood big dudes gonna approach to KYSPEAKS.COM to make own his version movie ?
Ford_GT: hahaha nonsense.