In my previous job, I often had to travel. One of the most exotic places I’ve had the privilege of spending a few days was a little remote village at Myanmar by the name of Kanbauk.

Kanbauk coffee house, Myanmar
the biggest hangout place at Kanbauk, no electricity during day time

Kanbauk is a very remote town at south western side of Myanmar, bordering Thailand. The place is accessible pretty much only by chartered flight, or you could drive there in about 12 hours.

KY at Myanmar
at Kanbauk, no fear of getting knocked down by speeding cars

There are no tar roads, no electricity during the day, and the wooden shop coffee house in the picture above was the most happening hangout place in 2007.

I suspect things hasn’t changed since.

We stayed at a gas processing facility just minutes away from the village, so naturally the most happening coffee house became one of our must-tour spots.

Kanbauk at Myanmar
the town of Kanbuak, where people and animals live harmoniously

Then again, it wasn’t like there was a lot to do in a place where some workers earn only US $1 for a hard day’s work.

One of the most things I always remember about Myanmar was their coffee drinking culture. The Burmese don’t brew their own coffee, everywhere I went, coffee meant 3 in 1 sachets. Tea, however, were prepared in the more traditional way.

Coffeemix found at Kanbauk, Myanmar
Super 3 in 1 Coffee at Kanbauk, Myanmar!

As I dug back the photos from over 3 years back for the purpose of this advertorial, look at what I found – Coffeemix 3 in 1! That was exactly what we were served for US $0.25 or so back at the happening coffee shop in Kanbauk. Talk about coincidence. 😀

Even though I didn’t I couldn’t recall the brand of the coffee then, I remembered it to be full of aroma and had a good blend of creamer, sugar, and coffee. The picture now told me it was the Super Regular 3 in 1 Coffeemix.

Writing this made me want to have a cup of coffee now. Other than the Super Regular, there’re also Super Rich, and Super Regular (Reduced Sugar) 3 in 1 coffee, all selling at RM 8.50 per 25 sachets right here in Malaysia.

Coffeemix JJ contest

Which conveniently brings us to the message of this advertorial – the JJ 100 day Live Super Tour 2010 promotion brought to you by Coffeemix, JJ Lin of Halo Music is now the brand ambassador for Super 3 in 1 Coffee.

The music showcase for JJ 100days live falls on

  • 3rd Sept Penang Auto City 8:30pm
  • 4th Sept Sabah One Borneo 8:00pm
  • 5th Sept KL Time Square 7:00pm

If you’re a fan, there’s only one way to get entrance to the showcase where some of the songs from this latest album will be performed – by entering the contest! (Contest form can be downloaded here)

Simply fill up the form, attach a barcode from either one of the three Coffeemix packages and mail it to PO box no 5 POS Malaysia Masai 81757 Masai Johor. Contestants with the most entries win, it’s that simple.

Coffeemix 3 in 1 coffee variants
Super Rich, Super Regular (Reduced Sugar), Super Regular 3 in 1 Coffee

Oh, other than the music showcase tickets, what else could you win?

  • Grand Prize – Apple Macbook
  • 2nd Prize – Canon EOS 550 DSLR
  • 3rd Prize – 15 pairs of exclusive JJ gathering session with fans in KL
  • 4th Prize – 15 pairs of exclusive JJ gathering session with fans in KK
  • 5th Prize – 300 pairs x JJ《 100 DAYS. LIVE》 SUPER TOUR
  • Special Prize - Every 88th contest entry received will win a JJ《100 DAYS. LIVE》DVD with JJ’s personal autograph. Limited to 150 DVDs.

If you’re a fan, this is your only way! Go join already. As for me, I’m going to have some Super Coffeemix 😀

Coffeemix 3 in 1 at unlikely places and JJ Lin Showcase
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16 thoughts on “Coffeemix 3 in 1 at unlikely places and JJ Lin Showcase

    • August 11, 2010 at 9:30 pm

      it’s a superbrand!

    • August 11, 2010 at 9:35 pm

      likewise! 😀

  • August 12, 2010 at 8:08 am

    One of the super brands of coffemix out there…and also I think previously sponsored of the famous HK game show by Eric Tsang. Nice…

    • August 12, 2010 at 9:50 am

      I love those Eric Tsang game shows!

  • August 12, 2010 at 8:39 am

    wah that super 3in 1 coffee mix picture is priceless ah! Next time i must open a coffee shop that serves 3-in-1 coffee, tea and instant noodles! lol

    • August 12, 2010 at 9:59 am

      hahaha and make pennies? 😛

    • August 12, 2010 at 12:25 pm

      Huai Bin,
      Yeah Myanmar’s pretty interesting

  • August 12, 2010 at 10:52 pm

    Now this is a wonderful advertorial (seldom like them). What serendipity!

    • August 13, 2010 at 12:16 am

      thanks man. 🙂

  • August 13, 2010 at 10:29 am

    i read and read.. and was wondering where the post was leading.. yin loi hai regarding the coffee mix ! LOL

    which reminds me.. i need coffee!

    • August 13, 2010 at 3:31 pm

      hehehe it’s a nice story ok! 😛


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