Time to continue my second Tenggol dive trip post.  I intend to use this blog as sort of a dive log so just in case I lose the precious book, at least the information would be here. What a concept, right?

In case you missed the first post, it is here – Tenggol Island dive trip – redux

With the help of my latest toy – the Bamboo touch & pen, I now present you my very first awesomesauce drawing of Pulau Tenggol dive map, something I shamelessly copied from Tenggol Island Beach Resort website.

To avoid exercising plagiarism to the fullest, I added a little smiling clown fish to the dive map for that extra cheerful factor. Sweet isn’t it?

diving at pulau tenggol, nudibranch, blue spotted stingray
Nembrotha kubaryana (nudibranch), blue spotted sting ray

  • dive #3 – Amazing Grace
  • date/time – 27/03/2010 4:59pm
  • depth – 18.5 meter
  • duration – 46 mins
  • visibility – 10-20 meters
  • temperature – 29c

After the relatively deep dive two, we took the boat to Amazing Grace for our final dive for the day, a dive site located near the southern end of the neighboring island closest to Tenggol.

lion fish, seaweed, giant green turtle
seaweeds and giant Sea Turtle

Like other sites at Tenggol, there were more nudibranchs to be found. I spotted this very colorful nembrotha kubaryana crawling up on a coral, while it resembles land slugs more than other nudi, you’ll be hard pressed to find something of this color above ground.

There’s a mild current at this location and we did a very relaxing drift dive, a perfect end to the day. Spotted a giant turtle that turns out to be the only one we saw in the entire trip.

party at Tenggol
KY, Rich, San San, Joe, Terence, Jonathan with ze Whisky

After dinner, the six of us spent quite a few hours talking quite a lot of crap with the aid of a bottle of whisky so thoughtfully brought to the island by Jonathan (Joe brought another bottle for the next night too).

With no TV, restaurant, or let a lone a pub, it is imperative to BYOB to this island.

Tokong Laut dive site, Pulau Tenggol
swimming under boulder at Tokong Laut, bat fish

  • dive #4 – Tokong Laut
  • date/time – 28/03/2010 9:31 am
  • depth – 34.2 meter
  • duration – 43 mins
  • visibility – 15-20 meters
  • temperature – 29c

Tokong Laut is one of the more challenging dive sites at Tenggol. With swift current at entrance, you have to descent pretty quickly to avoid getting swept away by the moving water.

It is also the very same dive site we had to abandon almost 6 years ago when Terence did exactly that, swept away by current.

soft coral, nudibranch
anemone, Pteraeolidia ianthina (purple nudi) chromodoris coi (white nudi)

We did concure Tokong Laut this time around, and boy it was some rewarding experience! There were plenty of big size bat fish all over, and we particularly enjoyed those “swim throughs”. When Charlie the dive lead talked about swim throughs on land, I thought it was about finning through uninteresting places, little did I know that we got to swim through openings beneath huge boulders. The experience was exhilarating, almost but not entirely unlike cave dives.

Of course, there were more nudis at this site too.

awesome lunch at Tenggol Beach Resort
exceedingly good lunch!

I must give two thumbs up for the food at Tenggol Beach Resort, all our meals were really good. The collage above was from one of our lunch/dinner session. WIth fish, prawns, chicken, and vegetable to go with rice, it was out of our expectations. My previous dive trips usually accompanied by lousy foods.

Lost World, Pulau Tenggol, giant sea fan
can you spot the tiny white shrimps on the top right pic?

  • dive #5 – Lost World
  • date/time – 28/03/10 12:03 pm
  • depth – 31.3 meter
  • duration – 45 mins
  • visibility – 15-20 meters
  • temperature – 29c

Lost World, Pulau Tenggol, giant sea fan
KY, Rich, and San San. Hypselodoris apolegma (purple nudi)

Dive #5 was another pretty deep dive at Lost World, which isn’t on the map above (can’t exactly remember where it is located). We spotted some tiny white shrimps, more nudi, as well as angel fish, among others. The feature of this site though, must be the sea fans. They were plenty of white sea fans making up the very beautiful seascape.

BBQ lunch on the beach
BBQ by PDRM Terengganu

After the 2nd dive, we were treated by the local PDRM who happened to be at Tenggol for an excellent BBQ lunch. The grilled cuttle fish with kunyit and BBQ ikan kembung were excellent! So were the curry and they even had rice too, it was amazing. Who said cops aren’t friendly?

There were 3 more dives at Tenggol that I shall post soon, and hopefully with some videos too.

Pulau Tenggol dive trip March 2010 part 2
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18 thoughts on “Pulau Tenggol dive trip March 2010 part 2

  • April 6, 2010 at 10:51 pm

    You’re Right, i miss TENGGOL ALREADY !!!!! ED !! WHERE OUR REG !! OI OI OI

  • April 6, 2010 at 11:05 pm

    Underwater hair is like Don King!!

  • April 6, 2010 at 11:09 pm

    yah Ed where is our reg!!!??!

    awesome right? hahaha

  • April 7, 2010 at 12:24 am

    i needs to get me license soon -_-

  • April 7, 2010 at 12:38 am

    make it happen!

  • April 7, 2010 at 1:22 am

    Can i dive without license? 😛

  • April 7, 2010 at 9:05 am

    yah, also without gas tank. 😛

  • April 7, 2010 at 9:10 am

    Wah… cool shots! 🙂

    On another note: LOL! There’s a Tanjung Gemuk??

  • April 7, 2010 at 9:48 am

    wah I never try Lauder’s whisky before. nice ah?!!

  • April 7, 2010 at 10:08 am

    Nice drawing with the Bamboo. Btw, Pulau Tenggol is mainly for diving excursion? Or it’s also a beach resort?

  • April 7, 2010 at 11:54 am

    I like your drawing.

    Btw, is there such thing as maps plagiarism? aren’t all maps of lands will look the same?

  • April 7, 2010 at 3:53 pm

    hahaha yah funny name isn’t it?

    nice! cheap and nice. 😀

    Hehe thanks, yah it is mainly for diving, you can snorkel too but I think other islands might have better snorkeling sites.

    You have a point! 😀

    yes, terbaik!

  • April 8, 2010 at 9:35 am

    Nice underwater photos! The blue sting ray is nice shot, like that one. I prefer rays to fishes, they’re so graceful.

  • April 8, 2010 at 10:03 am

    Huai Bin,
    yah not to mention rays are more delicious 😛

  • May 28, 2013 at 4:48 pm

    What camera are you using for the underwater photography? The pictures look really good! 🙂

    • May 28, 2013 at 9:53 pm

      Jeff: Olympus EPL3 :D. Thanks!

  • Pingback:Pulau Tenggol Dive Trip March 2010 Part 3 with Video – KYspeaks

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