Back in the days when internet was just starting to spread its tentacles to engulf our everyday life, cyber security was often an after thought. Remember how in Windows 95, the screen saver password screen can be defeated by a simple CTRL-ALT-DEL combination and kill the process?
It was an entirely different world then, PCs (especially those running Windows) were quite easily exploited. There were simple methods like doing a ping flood where you overwhelm the other person with a lot of packets of data to get them disconnected from the net.
flooding on IRC to annoy everyone
I also recall there’s a command to reset certain models of modem and watch the other party gets disconnected from the internet. Then of course, there’s those annoying flooding activities on IRC. (no such thing as Twitter then)
Then there was Back Orifice, a client-server trojan that I must confess I didn’t exactly not have fun using it on a few unsuspecting victims. One sorta found out it was me when I played with the CDrom door, oh well, it was all fun then.
Fast forward a decade and the cyberspace is not merely for chatting, emailing, and morally questionable jpeg photos anymore. With online shopping, banking, and all sorts of personal information and financial transactions going on, cyber security is becoming a lot more important.
While some of the more benign security threats has faded away, email spam, scam, identity theft, phishing, cyber-stalking, and more are threatening our daily lives ever more.
Enter World Computer Security Day (WCSD), led by CyberSecurity Malaysia, a government agency tasked with promoting cyber and Internet security among Malaysian internet users. WCSD falls on 30 Nov, 2009.
According to CyberSecurity, computer security is a social issue that involves all Malaysians directly or indirectly, and thus should be treated like any other crime. Similar proactive steps should be taken when it comes to computer security as one would to personal security, they are just as important. Lastly, anyone who’s a victim of computer security breaches or illegal activities in cyberspace should turn to the authorities. Do not suffer in silence.
There are several things you can do to be part of WCSD:
- Visit the website – In August 2009, CyberSecurity Malaysia launched, a website that is a repository and resource for all Malaysians to learn more about computer safety – from handy tips, cool posters, interesting videos and other resources on cyber security and safety
- Submit your true Internet-horror story – In conjunction with WCSD, CyberSecurity Malaysia is in the midst of enhancing with Web 2.0 interactive elements for Malaysians to be able to share with each other their computer security-related experiences and learn from one other. Site visitors will be able to submit their experiences in video and text format, view the submission of other visitors as well as start educational discussions that will make them less susceptible to threats
- Be a fan of WCSDMY on Facebook & Twitter – Besides the website, WCSD also has a Facebook group (World Computer Security Day (WCSD) Malaysia) and Twitter account (@WCSDMY) which will update and remind its followers on useful tips and quizzes related to computer security
- Submit a report if you are or know of a victim of online threats – Malaysian netizens who are victims of computer security breaches or any illegal activity in cyberspace are encouraged to refer the incident to Cyber999TM Help Centre by calling 1-300-88-2999, sending e-mail to, or filling up an online report at or
- Practice any of the tips provided by Computer Security Day – here
Have an awesome time online!
I also remember a program that can open/up cdrom for the person chatting with you on the other line on ICQ.
but what about morally questionable .gifs?
Hahhaa yah, back orifice could do that!
Hahah those were a very tragic side effect of this whole internet thingy. :/
Morally questionable .avi, .mov also!!!
Now we know what sort of things you did 10 years ago LOL!
Tan Yee Hou,
Hahah don’t be naughty!
Old school!
Shhhh 😛
I remember email bombs too – a “service” by high speed connections to email HUGE attachments of random data to a dial up user. Heh! That was back when I was 14 or so.
Huai Bin,
Hahhaa yah, back when email storage were relatively puny
Oh i miss IRC…
Yah that’s old school!
I is in ur computer, stealing ur internetz
Computer security is important. Recently I installed Windows 7 on my main desktop PC.
Security is from G-Data Internet Security suite. My cable modem has a hardware firewall updated by the provider.
This combination kept the computer malware free running WIN XP, and continues to work well with WIN 7 Professional.
The biggest problem for MS are the great number of pirated copies of Windows running all over the globe. These PCs cannot have security updates added. Plus many of the users of such PCs are either to poor, lazy or just do not care if thier computer is taken over.
Good post btw.
Yess, well written comment. Security is often overlooked by a lot of casual users these days.
Ah IRC days.
Back then there was a cybercafe which runs a server that ping the hell out of Jaring 24/7.
Hahah yah those were the crazy days!