I don’t know why I agreed to do this, I mean, prior to getting all the details I vaguely remember it could be something very relaxing, a few of us hanging out at Tangs and be chilling and blogging. So I agreed.
Then the details came in. We’d be blogging inside a DISPLAY WINDOW at Tangs Pavilion from 10am to 10pm this Friday and Saturday (that’s starting tomorrow!), with only toilet breaks every 3 hours. I think even meals are going to be served to us in the display, emmm emm.
More details at the Live Manniquin Blogathon 2009 facebook page.
As the event is a collaboration between Intel, Tangs, and Lenovo, we’ll be wearing cool outfits (got stylist ok!) from Tangs and working with Lenovo machines that are powered by Intel processors.
Technology meets fashion, the first time I’m associated with something that’s got to do with fashion, it is.. strange. Having dated someone who contributed to TiC doesn’t count, I guess.
Anyway! The four contestants – Cheesie, Huai Bin, Wern Shen, and myself are vying on the top prize that is a Lenovo Ultra Slim laptop. 60% of our points will be from number of posts/tweets/photos/comments, but another 40% from your votes in person!
So come over and vote for meeeeee!
Gosh I hope the aircondinging works…
This event was the result of a sponsorship campaign between Intel, Lenovo and TANGS Pavilion
good luck! we support you! 🙂
HAHAHAHA shit I cannot do something like this, you know how my bladder is! :X
For somebody who organises parties with themes like “wear your worst clothes” or “Ah beng style”, yes indeed, it does seem strange for you to be connected with fashion. Actually, the whole idea sounds weird haha. Maybe you ought to wear diapers to cut out those toilet breaks and win more votes..
You can hop over to Weissbrau (Level 3) have a Franziskaner, Sausage platter/Pork Knuckle, Flamkuchen, Spring Chicken In Basket, etc anytime during your 3 hours break, then blog about how good it is thereafter! 😀
You know how it is, right…when you try hard not to think about peeing, that’ll be the only thing on your mind? Clench hard, my friend. 🙂
Haha! Yeah it’s gonna be a bit of a challenge. I still have some stuff to do so I’m going to be sleeping late tonight somemore. 20 words yet? 😉
Hahaha I know!
LOL, oh well we shall see 😛
I don’t think I get to have that kind of luxury!
Lyrical Lemongrass,
Hahah, noooooo!
Huai Bin,
Hahaha I don’t know if this post counts at all!
hm…… interesting…….. =)
eh… i come support.. but you oso must come and support my futsal/badminton centre la..
i do hope they dont serve you curries and milk non-stop. then every 3 hours is a torture!
wah!! all the best! you look like a mannequin meh?
i’ll come to have a quick peep ! Hehe !
Hahaha yah
Ken Lam,
I forgot which one already! So many .. :X
Hahah Noooo!
Oh well but I shall pretend 😛
Sweet! Thanks 😉
all the best KY! 🙂 remember not to drink too much of water or not you will need to toilet very often! :3 i’ll drop by on Saturday if i have time!
It’s going to be fun looking you all as mannequins! Will try to drop by on Saturday to vote…! Already see them making the preparation for you guys yesterday at Tangs.
Thank you, yah drinking lots of water wouldn’t exactly be a good idea isn’t it!
Hhahaha, alright, will see you woohoo
hi ya KY, you should have your pee break and lunch break by now :p wish you all the luck here since we wont be able to make it to Pavilion. btw, can comment repeatedly ka? or how do they count the comments?
Thank you very much!! comment certainly can be written repeatedly. I have no idea how they actually count. LOL