For all Blackberry users, and especially the new comers who’s just signed up via Xpax with their brand new BB Curve 8520, it’s time to update your Blackberry Desktop Manager (originally came with the CD).

blackberry desktop manager 5
notice the IP Modem icon?

With the latest update, the desktop manager not only allows the usual contact sync, backup, application installation, and media synchronization that some of you are familiar with, but also the new IP Modem functionality.

Modem tethering with Blackberry isn’t something new, but it used to be quite a hassle to set up and usually only someone who are quite well versed with the computer could get it done. With the latest Desktop Manager, setting up your blackberry as a modem is made very very simple.


Simply click on IP modem – Configure, then choose Celcom as the connection profile. To connect to the internet, click Connect! That is all.

Do note that data rate and caps apply, for example, Xpax has a quota of 1GB per day for unlimited access, while Hotlink capped their monthly BIS premium at 1.5GB per month. Use wisely, for more comparison, refer to the rate plan comparison post.

Blackberry as tethered modem with BB Desktop Manager
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12 thoughts on “Blackberry as tethered modem with BB Desktop Manager

  • November 2, 2009 at 5:50 pm

    I love the Modem tethering function!! love it love it loveeeeeeeee it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • November 2, 2009 at 8:36 pm

    Yesss, great with laptop!

  • November 4, 2009 at 4:55 pm

    What version is the bb desktop? just got my bb curve 8900 and installed the desktop but it doesn’t have the IP MOdem.

    where do i download the latest version?

  • November 4, 2009 at 8:30 pm

    cheat oneeeee!!!!
    dun have the additional icon there one??!?!
    hows??? 🙁

  • November 4, 2009 at 11:58 pm

    You can download it at or click on current desktop manager’s update link at right bottom corner (or help-check for update)

    Jaclyn Chew,
    LoL you must have messed up somewhere!

  • January 18, 2010 at 2:03 pm

    I have the same problem as KL. I have downloaded the latest version of desktop manager (5.0.1) but the “IP MODEM” icon does not appear.

    Did you find a fix for this KL, or can ANYONE help me? PLEASE!!!!!

    Thanks in advance……..

  • January 18, 2010 at 2:03 pm

    I have the same problem as KL. I have downloaded the latest version of desktop manager (5.0.1) but the “IP MODEM” icon does not appear.

    Did you find a fix for this KL, or can ANYONE help me? PLEASE!!!!!

    Thanks in advance……..

  • January 18, 2010 at 2:34 pm

    Ah, it depends on what model you use, it doesn’t work for the models ending with 30, such as Blackberry Tour

  • January 18, 2010 at 10:48 pm

    KL, I’ve discovered that most carriers now disable this function so you HAVE to pay them for tethering. Tricky little bastards, huh?

    There is a “work-around” but it seems to be a temporary fix will continuously reset itself. Anyway, it’s more trouble than it’s worth. I am currently looking for some 3rd party software that will do the same thing.

    Thanks so much for the response though. Keep on hacking!

  • January 19, 2010 at 10:11 am

    Yah, the XML hack right? 😛


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