2008 is certainly a pretty eventful year for me, both in personal level as well as professional level. Lets recap a bit lest I forget about the 366 days in years to come.
This blog:
A total of 172 posts written, which is just a little bit more than three posts per week. The number of readers who follow this blog increased more than 50% from some 35k/month to almost 55k/month according to sitemeter stats. Thank you!
On this front, I certainly must thank lady luck for all the invitations to sample food that I otherwise probably wouldn’t be able to afford on such frequency.
Some memorable dining experiences include Fugu at Kura Japanese restaurant at One World; tasting fried insects in Bangkok, and then cooking them at home with a bunch of daring jokers, parma ham at Bermuda and Onions, and nasi lemak at Jalan 223.
I’ve been out of the country for pleasure 4 times this year. Twice each to our neighbors to the south and north.
The Bangkok trip was interesting if only for the stupid ping pong con job we got ourselves into. Three months later I went to Krabi on a fam trip with a few other bloggers, it was definitely a lot more hectic but we enjoyed ourselves quite a bit regardless.
I also went to Singapore for the first time in more than a decade. The first trip was sponsored by Brand’s where 4 other comrades and I participated in a blogger’s challenge (which we didn’t win) against 5 other Singaporean bloggers. Three weeks later I went to the island republic again for the Nuffnang V-Post party for the last trip of the year. It was all pretty enjoyable.
Suan, Horng, and I won a trip to Krabi during a Heineken event late last year by beating 9 other teams in some flash games, so it seems like we’ll be heading there sometimes this coming May. All expenses paid, I’m not complaining. One of the things I want to do this year is to travel somewhere far too, location yet to be decided, but somewhere far, maybe alone.
It was also quite a happening year as far as parties go. There were 3 Nuffnang parties I attended, the pajamas party in March, Halloween party, and the Christmas bash in Singapore. There were other events such as Sunburst by Tuborg, Nokia, Guinness (cooking with Chef in Black) and more.
However, the most memorable party, admittedly a bit self absorbed in this case, was the fifth X’mas Eve Party at home. The picture above summed it all.
I also got to know quite a lot of new friends and lost a relationship via long distance in 2008. I guess you can’t win all.
I quit my previous job (which I only held for 7 months) and went back to work at KLCC for pretty much almost the same pay but with better prospect. Love the coffee machine at my current job, and enjoy the commute via LRT which allows me to read more. Certainly no complain in this department.
To end:
It has been a pretty fruitful year in many fronts, and I’ll be grateful if 2009 is at least as good as 2008. Now is there anyone applying for my vacant gf position? hahahaha, but ok, seriously, anyone? Hahahaha
And I am happy to know you. And share some memories of 2008 bwith you except for the last party of the year! Don’t la angry ya…
What a picture in use to conclude the best party of the year.. LOL
wow i’m the third to comment! 😀
so envious of you guys lah, can go party like that. i wish i can attend all these also. 🙁
Hahahha not angry la just wanna spank you! 😛
hahaha thanks to your expert camera moment!
thank you thank you. 😉
No wonder… I thought I saw you somewhere nearby my office having lunch 😀 You seriously enjoy taking lrt??? Must be late at night huh when the people are lesser.
And I’ve enjoyed reading your food exploits too – Happy New Year! – here’s to more to come
new year resolution 2009: find a girlfriend? Haha.. :p
Not really late at night, but it usually beats driving. 😀
Thank you, and happy new year to you too!
hahaha not really lahh 😛
Hahaha… It was a good one year living under the same roof as you too! =) Lots of funny n joyful experiences with the noob! When can we go on a roadtrip again?! =) or a spring cleaning b4 CNY?
Air Asia X to London – cheap flights to Europe now!
Hi KY,
Hapi new yr.I enjoyed reading ur blog.i would strongly recomend Switzerland.
Ehem… The last sentence is very inviting. Ur calon gf must be someone who enjoys good food and traveling as much as you do ;D
It’s all best! Of course spring cleaning! 😛
Tickets all sold off unfortunately, bummer. I shall try to claim my Enrich rewards.
Thank you very much, but I heard Switzerland is very mahal!
Hahaha, that would be ideal. So how do I contact you? LOL
are you ah gua?u do look like one
Happy New Year to you! May 2009 brings you even more food, more new friends, more traffic to your blog..oooh..and a new gf too 😉
Hmmm… I’m not the wild girl type who parties. So, I’m not thaaaat appealing. Anyway, HB should know.
i SOOOO know about your coffee machine & how MUCH u love it, man!!! :PPP
nice end pic. lol
wahseh u can attend so many nuffnang function. Hopefully i can attend one at this year. Maybe this is one of my this year resolution.
happy new year bro..WARRRRRRRR~!!
There’s no photo of me in this post, are you talking about Patrick in green shirt? :X
Precious Pea,
Thanks, happy new year to you too!!
Ops, Huai Bin knows you? Interesting. Actually I’m not exactly the party type myself, I just love to eat. 😀
Jade Zheng,
Hahahaha best kan? 😀
Hahaha no doubt!
Hahah good luck! 😀
WArrrrrrrr, see you on Thursdays!
Yeah, it seems like it’s been a great year for you mate! Now we singles buddies ya? 😉
Juice, the boss said cannot read blogs during working hours. 😉
whoa… looking for a gf thru ur blog ?
i oso thinking to look for a bf thru my blog.. hahaa… immediate vacancy !! haahaa… 😛
atrica: Here! Here! 😉
Hi KY happy new year… is that you on the floor….?
very eventful year BRO . . .Happy New Year and wishes you have more to come – events ler
Your new year resolution is to spank me? Lol.. very erotic la!
wow..55k readers a month..thats something one would definitely look forward to in the new year!
HERRO KY! 😀 Yay, 2008 has been such an interesting year, I hope 2009 is gonna be much betterrrrr, woooots!
Hi KY,
How old r u???
Huai Bin,
Hahah, yah we’re all on the same boat, and be a good boy ok!
Huai Bin is calling! 😛
Hahah that’s not me, a friend name patrick. Happy new year to you too!
Happy new year bro, all the best!
Hahah nice right? 😛
Haha thank you thank you. 🙂
Someone’s got a blog now! 😀
I’m .. er.. 31.
Hi KY, really enjoy reading ur blog. I actually seen u b4 at KLCC and Avenue K…both during lunch hr…haha ;p Happy Blogging and Happy 2009…cheers
aiks, u also coffee kaki r, me too ler, serious stage kind of coffee addict……..haiz, about the gf vacancy, i think i also have to post 1 like u , lol!happy new year dude
xperience and memory lagi mahal.somemore i think now swiss frank is dropping.
Wish we all have good luck on good new year~!
Hi KY,
pls consider Kajang,ther r lots of recomended places n food.bak kut teh,hot soup,satay…i can show n bring u guys there at any moment.
Thanks, say hi next time when you see me! 😀
Hahah, yaaa. Good luck to you too! lol
You’re welcome. 😀
True also, true, but I might have some other locations in mind too. 🙂
Tian Chad,
Thanks, and you too! 🙂
Thanks! I shall think about it since petrol price is not too horrible now. 😛
That’s not me on the ground! 😀
why you say glad to know me last year like you’re not gonna know me this year boohoo T_______T wtf
hey KY! Happy New Yr ya.. and come on..all those pretty gals u been dining with..choose la! ;p
I know you this year oso lah! It was just one of those things from last year maaa 😀
Hahaha, no such luckkkk :{
hahaha vacant GF position? hahaha
I’ll send in the candidates..
Patrick should be given an award.
The wine glass still stood perfectly on the floor.
Hahaha thanks! 😛
I agree! hahaha
Ah, the most talk about pic of Christmas’s Eve party.
Happy new year 2009 . Enjoy to read your blog on the food hunting and food sharing with all your ” victims “.
Kiss goodbye to 2008 and hope to see more excellent posting from you in 2009 !!!
Hahah undoubtedly,
Thank you! 😀
Btw, last time I went try Bubba Gump Shrimp. It is a restaurant with nice ambiences .Perhaps you can go look around cause I was unable to find this restaurant postng in your blog .
hey, you should try Tenji in Solaris Mont Kiara. Promotion going for the buffet until this 15 Jan. Hope to read your review about the restaurant.
Ya, passed the area a couple times but haven’t been there yet. 🙂
Seems to be the current craze now, will see will see. I’m not a very big fan of buffet though, so.. maybe. 🙂
Tenji looks awesome and having promotion now.BUT…Iheard it is fully booked for a month ..(T.T)
Wah, all your food must be cooked and prepared to your delight. Man with such stomach. 😛 Anyway, just a suggestion. 🙂
Now that I read closely the promo is only for lunch time. Dinner still same price. Maybe will go after all the hype goes down. Haha.
Ohhh the tragedy!
Hehe thank you thank you. 😀