Thanks to the infamous Robb of Nuffnang, I was invited as the “featured blogger” on a sharing session at Italiannese, Mid Valley Gardens. Previous featured bloggers include fehmes people like Cheesie and Cindy , so I guess this blog must be doing pretty decent huh?
Timothy Tiah, Nicholas Chay, Robb Chew, Pinky Tham, Firdauz
So I arrived at Italiannese, Mid Valley Gardens just in time on the faithful 12th of Oct to find a boat load of people who are already getting friendly with each other, and warming up their camera flashes too.
Yee Hou, Sidney (bigboysoven), Rojaks, Superwilson, Simon Seow
The usual suspects from Nuffnang were there. Robb, who engineered the whole event, the boss Tim, Nicholas, Pinky, Firdauz, Chingy, and Yee Hou too. Other friends like Sidny, Rojaks, Simon Seow, Debra & Victoria Foong also attended the event.
Justin Chin, Bryan Lim, Chee Seng, Chee Hong, Ruionkoh
There are other familiar faces I have met during the Nuffnang’s pajama party and the more recent Haloween party who made their way to the sharing session too. It was in all, over two dozen of us filling up an entire section in the rather nicely decorated restaurant.
Jeffro, Anne Marie, Curryegg, KC, Karena Cheow
We went through a round of rather informal self introduction (and I found out some of them are practically half my age @.@), followed by a short speech from yours truly which mainly touches a little bit about this whole food blogging business and a lot more about the constant question I get about my weight (or the lack of it)
Jou Yin, Josephine, Debra Fong, Victoria Fong, Yi May
Just as we were almost done with the talking session, the servers started to bring in the food, which is just brilliant timing wise.
Carlifornia shrimp salad, mini cheesy pizza, quattro platter
We got started off with the quattro platter that includes deep fried risotto balls, fried calamari rings, stuffed mushrooms, and zucchini fritte. Calamari has always been one of my favorites and the one served up here certainly did not disappoint.
The California shrimp salad was a fresh departure from the usual Caesar or garden salad. However, my favorite has got to be the mini cheesy pizza, very thin, crispy, and flavorful.
Sicilian pizza, bread with olive oil & vineger, lamb shank
The Sicilian pizza is some what an acquired taste, soft texture with a heavy mixture of cheese and tomato flavor in a somewhat unfamiliar territory. I wouldn’t say I like it. The lamb shank though, is pretty flavorful and well cooked to a soft and tender texture, I just wish there were slightly more sauce to go with it.
bowls of pasta, chocholate and hazelnut cake
The main attraction of the day was of course, the pasta bowls. I think Italiannese’s idea is a pretty good one, with the smallish servings of the individual bowls you get to taste more varieties.
The pasts themselves were pretty good. My favorite would be the angel hair aglio olio with shrimp. There were even lasagna too.
Chingy is here, I did not manage to capture an individual pic
We concluded the dinner with some hazlenut cake before everyone went off to our separate ways. It was a pretty good session and it was nice meeting you guys!
Half your age!?!?! How is that possible? Can I reveal your age here? 😉
Huai Bin,
Shut up 😛
Lol.. I look so funny in that photo. haha.. anyway, thank for the shooting.. 🙂
I am glad to meet you in person that day.. ^_^
hahah KY… I wanted to go though!! but was abit late in sending my entry i think.. according to ROBB… LOl =D neways.. next time la… hee
did you just spell vinegar as vineger and chocolate as chocholate?!!! I quite like the name chocholate… might use it for my new range. Lol….
I know your age. I know your age. LOL
See what I missed when I don’t join groups like Nuffnang or Advertlets? Sokay, I’ll just enjoy them from blogs like yours and many other fehmes bloggers. heheee…
best! i look hensem. lol
too bad i didn’t food n
in a good way ok. nice to meet you too 😀
so tragic!
ops 😛
Alice Teh,
like wise!
Hahaha, good kan 😀
Gary Ooi,
Oh well, always next time. 🙂
Almost half my age too, almost…
nice lamb shank and nice gathering session too….
whoai ky, why pinky must be up close and personal to u during the photo shoot? ada udang sebalik mee kut?
or is she trying to get away from simon?
lol lol not bad I look ok in it at least HAHA
anddd I noticed simon’s row of personal photos are all the heavy duty ones(except YH) lol
i bet KY is AT LEAST 40! hehehehe
wah i look nice! hahahah.
btw, u should post up the so called ‘whispering’ photo of u and pinky! 😛
errr…..all about age . . . in that case, i better keep me mouth SHUT
Oii, Rui what heavy duty? We’re all fehmes ok wtf :p
I don’t think you are double my age la..
oh nice meeting you, never been upclose with a famous blogger before…something i’ll remember for quite a long time….ah the food…
I know there are 2 fellas that is less than KY’s age. The rest are not that far off. KY, you are not that old kay…
Simon Seow,
Yah. 😀
LOL shhhh 😛
heavy duty? LOL
Don’t be nuts! 😛
Simon Seow,
A few years ago I probably was.
Never said I’m old 😛
U calling us KIDDOS ah KY!!!! *stares at KY*
Hey where’s the album u promised la? I don’t see it want? or I didn’t notice it since I was like away for a week!
Anyways its was great gettin to know u in person!!! ^^