Happy Halloween everyone! I’m going to be at the most eagerly waited Nuffnang + Nokia’s Silent Halloween Party this side South East Asia.
This party’s going to be pretty interesting I believe, with everyone dancing silly with their earphones on whilst the club is in music-less. It’s going to be like watching MTV in mute (careful not to mispronounce it as nude). I even bought a pretty awesome noise canceling headphones for this. Best!
No, I’m not going to go as this, it’ll be a surprise!
Nokia is sponsoring the event, which means there are phones to be given out! If my luck is as good as the Pajama Party earlier this year.. Can’t wait!
Just a few hours to go before the party starts, I’ll see you guys at Borneo Baruk Club!
Halloween Party Here I Come!
now i can’t get a phone for my mum =(
Hello….Please link me 🙂 I hope Nuffnang will pick me for the dinner at Italiennes Garden….Happy Halloweens!
wow! a halloween party? that’s must be fun~
that’s it… am not going to visit your blog anymore….gonna get nightmares from now on….
i am quite curious wat u will go as. 🙂
Did Rachel punch you in the eyes?
KY: your cover’s been blown
hey hey… RAIN ahahhaha jus dropping by… linked u btw… “anne boleyn”
Oh well I didn’t win any either. lol
My Simple Food,
Good luck! 😀
It was!
Hahahah damn it. 😛
I was rain. 😛
Oh noooo
Hahahahaa 😛
Anne Marie Cheong,
Thanks 😀
photos photos!
I didn’t take! Was too busy dancing and making fun of people!
hahahaha cover has been blown. i can’t help but keep thinking the blue patch will be cooler if it were black…
my boss looked like u. everyday he is like that…
KY, I dont get it! What were u???
Hahaha shhh
So awesome! 😛
I went with a different makeup, i was Rain! 😛
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