“How come you could eat all those food and remain skinny?”
If I can get RM 2.70 every time I answer that question, I probably wouldn’t need to use my own money buying petrol for the car.
Firstly, although being known as a glutton, I usually prefer variety and quality over quantity when it comes to satisfying my stomach. Secondly, I do exercise quite regularly, playing futsal, badminton, and recently picking up ping pong (so I know what to do at PatPong next time!).
I always treat sports as a form of entertainment plus a little bit of competition. Running on a treadmill will never work for someone like me. I believe that to enjoy sports better, you have to at least be competitive to your peers. Talent and trainings get you to be more competitive, however, proper equipments play a big part too.
my well worn Nike futsal shoes
For many sports, staying light gives you a competitive advantage. When you are lighter, the power to weight ratio increases. This is the same in athletes as it is in sports cars. One of the ways to reduce weight is of course, lose the spare tires (for both human and cars too), but this is of course, easier said than done. The other way is to use lightweight equipments.
Nike victory plus
Realizing that weight is the worst enemy for athletes, Nike embarks on Project Lightweight, a competition to design lightweight products (apparel, footwear, or any equipments) for any sports.
Anyone can participate in this project, the submission can be in any format. Be it a CAD drawing, a prototype product, an idea, an installation, video, anything. However, each entry must be accompanied by rationale or explanations limited to 200 words.
The winner gets an all-expense paid trip to Nike�s World Headquarters in Portland, Oregon. I’ve never been there myself, but Oregon is famous for not having sales tax (something like VAT/GST). The trip also includes meeting the top designers in Nike at their “Kitchen” at the Nike Campus. That would be way cool for any aspiring designers.
Submissions must be made between 1-31 July on the Project Lightweight website at www.nike.com.my/projectlightweight. Visit the site for more information.
Will I compete? I think I have to brush up on my photoshop drawings a bit, we shall see!
wow so nice that first photo of the nike shoe! how did you get that part there to look shiny!
With the proper lighting and a lot of sweat polishing the leather from all the futsal sessions. 😛
but u got belly *runs*
Hahahhaa, I cherish my belly!
KKKP, those shiny things are called specular highlights.
*nods at self for appearing smart* huhu wtf.
Never trust a skinny food blogger! Haha…
When companies run out of ideas, they’ll always use this tactic – asking the public to join the designing contest! One stone kill 2 birds. They get the insipration and the publicity!
Eh, why you so skinny wan? Are you sure you even eat all those food you ‘review’ ah?
**snigger at the look of annoyance on KY’s face now**
Wahh…u got free Nike shoes from writing this ah? **quickly run away and hide while wearing Neke – the cheap, ciplak – shoes**
sigh… the website states that it’s only open to students!!! darngit… wouldve loved a shot to be able to get to the nike hq. prizes are awesome
“How come you could eat all those food and remain skinny?”
If I had RM$2.70 for everytime someone asked me that … I’d be broke!!! 🙂
Cass – come to Perth. I’ll show you a REAL BELLY! 🙂
Dr. Tan,
Very smart, very smart! 😛
What! Skinny food bloggers are your path to deliciously healthy lifestyle. 😀
Of course I eat! And no, I don’t get any free Nike shoes.
Can try can try I think.
Hahaha your belly is legendary! 😛
Hello KY,
Since you like Futsal so much…Here is a link to our premier league futsal team in Holland.
and a link to a website where they show some of our games
make sure u bring those shoes to war. you need all you have if you wanna stay alive 😉
walan ??woh!
is sexually explicit submission permitted?
Thanks! That’s cool. 😀
chris tock,
Of course, WARRRR!
Hahaha you can always try. Nike will decide. 😀
genetic thingy . . . . .
But if I wear on the Nike Lightweight, it’ll become Heavyweight.
Err, partly I guess. 😀
Simon Seow,
No, it might just become Nike Nipis
omg look who’s tocking, when he’s the one always missing for futsal during the kysepaks sessions.
Nike Nipis might actually be a good name for it haha… perhaps it’ll be a shoe without a sole.. whereby the shoe only consides of the top part where the laces are at .. the tag line could be .. “run your sole off..”
oh no i’m lame
wah! check out the shoes! I don’t they come in my size though … 🙁
i also eat alot, im not skinny cos i dun wan to be skinny, but im not fat… i am lean bcos i lift weights/run/swim almost daily!
waa.. promoting Nike and your skinny self at the same time.. so smart..
adry azad,
Hahhaa, yah the fella tocking only! We’ll see what he can do this Thursday!
Kid’s size! 😛
oOOo then you win!
Tenkiu tenkiu *bows*
yes 100% agree with u, the most important we can manage our metabolisme & boost it quickly….
nice blog, keep it up….
*this contest is open to all current students of Malaysian colleges or universities*
…and I’m about to graduate! Argh!
Agreed, agreed, and thanks. 😀
Soon Seng,
Not too late!