I don’t know about you, but I have always keep pretty good post-relationship friendship with ex girlfriends, and yes, they are all in my facebook friend list. I’m not going to give names, but do feel free to dig around if it fancies you.
Anyway, one of the more intriguing applications in facebook has got to be the Compare People program whereby you rank your friends in several categories like smartness, hotness, desirability, and so on.
It got me curious on how I score from the people that mattered to me most once upon a time, so I went on a little profile hopping to investigate a bit. Look what I discovered on one of my ex’s profile!
top of the list!!!
It made my day. 😀
Ex-Girlfriends in facebook and the Compare People application
u must be damn proud . . . . .self praise is no . . . .
keep it up bro
I didn’t self praise! 😛
happpyyyy laaaa!!
Paul Tan,
You’re just jealous!!! 😛
chris tock,
Best kan? hahhahaa
haha…you ran out of food to post and you have to post yourself?!! but smartness is quite true la or maybe her friends not that smart tho… hehe
wow.. sizzling…! incidentally .. is she on YOUR top list ? (imagine if she surfs your page and sees the she ain’t … lol)
Hehehe, I still have a lot of food posts ok, but sometimes we need to get away from that for a bit. 😀
I don’t keep a top list. 😛
I think my labels would be the opposite of yours *le sighs*
Be serious. You are fucking ugly and you know it.
interesting app …… hmm
Asyraf Lee,
LOL, why such pessimistic view?
Mohd Azhar,
Be serious, you’re not my ex girlfriend. LOL
Hahhaa, no doubt!
wah bangga hahah!
i would keep in touch too, if i didn’t delete their phone numbers 😛
Wah, should get back together with you ex lor then.
wah… indeed something to be proud and happy of 🙂
Hahaha, why delete laa so emo!
Simon Seow,
You have very weird logic. Hehe
Thanks thanks. 😀
Wow, got KFC AD on your Large Rectangle!
Yum yum!
Wei, let’s go BKT, where?
Hungry ler …
wow…u must have left deep impression, & a gd one!
cheh wah…
u self vote is it??
or u bribe others?
Hahah I just had KFC last night!
Soon we can go to Jalan Ipoh again 😀
I hope so. hahaha
I didn’t install that application, where got self vote? 😛
Hahahhah! KY DA HOTTEST AR? (: Good for you man!
Good 4u fella. But i think u might have problems getting dates now! LOL! I keep a little black book too but i subscribe to the old school, A gentleman doesn’t Kiss & Tell! Cheerio!
cheh, it’s all because of the cycling fingers only mah!
Kevin Chan,
Hahaha, damn it shut up. 😛
Hahah, why should I have problems? This is a good review maa.. Hee-hee.
It’s been 3-4 years and you still couldn’t do it! 😀
Meehhhhh that’s all??? 😛 hehee i used to like that application that i found it got to addictive haha. at least you are seen still lovable in your ex’s eye
just kidding with ya bro . . .good to see another bro who keeps in touch with the EX’s
I think facebook is majorly flawed.
Eh, she bisexual one issit? *looks at girls on the various lists*
fwah..i wonder if there’s a category for Best On Bed..lol
Yerrr… Bangga lar tu.. Hehehehe..
Hehe, thank you very much 😛
Likewise, likewise. 😀
I think you are right! Hahaha
I don’t think so.
Hahaha, chill now Mr. Yat, chill!
Oh I KNOW WHO she is!!! Muahahaha 😀
Hahhaa, good for you! 😛