I received an invitation to my ex-uni friend Kim Heng’s wedding dinner over MSN and decided to take the opportunity to rekindle with some of the old pals I used to hang out back when we were in our early twenties studying at St. Cloud State. Though some of us still communicates with each other occasionally via the web, it was some 6 years since we last met.

Kim Heng

Kim Heng and Chiew Fei were together even before their university days, and only after 11 years did they move the relationship into the next step last Saturday night. Congratulations!

groom singing to the bride
Kim Heng serenading to the wife

Wai Hong, bride, Hui Mei
Wai Hong and Hui Mei with the bride

It was cool seeing those guys again, memories of yesteryears flooding back. All of a sudden it was like back in the days where we still had to worry assignments and exams, instead of bills and dodging older relatives asking their favorite question that Kim Heng now can answer with pride.

the dinner

After the dinner, some ten of us spent the night in a 3 bedroom hotel suite at JB to catch up some lost time. Hui Mei brought a drinking roulette game thing, and we were just trying to make each other drink the entire night, interrupted only with some toilet breaks.

roulette drinking game

fun and games
the happy bunch

How time flies. We had bak kut teh at JB the next morning and parted ways after that. We went back to KL, Melaka, Johor, and even a pair to Hong Kong. It was a weekend well spent. None of us would have expected how each other turned out to be when we were still in the same university, judging from the picture below, I’m sure Chek Ning agrees.

chek ning is happy!
chek ning doing her happy laugh

I hope we don’t need to wait another 6 years to meet again.

More pictures at flickr.com/kyspeaks

Congratulations! Kim Heng and Chiew Fei’s Wedding
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7 thoughts on “Congratulations! Kim Heng and Chiew Fei’s Wedding

  • November 7, 2007 at 10:32 pm

    You remind me of how long I didn’t meet up my ex schoolmates.

  • November 8, 2007 at 1:43 am

    Coool, bro!!! Good old times!!!

  • November 8, 2007 at 2:19 pm

    few things i hate da most in occasions like this
    – i realize im the only only few still driving proton
    – im the only one wearing fake watch
    – my gf looks like a whore…. & i look like a vcd seller
    – they kept asking if im still staying in the sentul old fuck flat(….yes)
    – kept asking when i be migrating, i say next year… to indonesia

  • November 8, 2007 at 3:27 pm


    why la talked about your gf like that? lol.

  • November 8, 2007 at 5:29 pm

    its considered an improvement to me liao loh, compare to my three ex gfs : cunt, bitch and punani.

  • November 15, 2007 at 8:36 pm

    very nice…tho my banner will be much bigger for my weddin in DEC


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