That’s right, I registered to be a voter! After all, it was only a day short of 50th Merdeka, and I figure it’s about time I fulfill my civic duty to participate in this democratic process. I’ve already missed a couple elections when I was in the States, even though I was old enough to vote.

Thanks to the young and almost influential blogger SK Thew who actually drove me to the post office to finally get this done. Coincidentally, FA also did the same thing one day prior to me!

It’s about time to do it too if you haven’t register yourself to be a voter already. The process is simple and fast, took me only a few minutes at the post office. Do note that it takes 3 months to be effective (as a way to prevent voter movements, or something)

Register for Malaysian Election
finally registered as a voter!

p/s: Wikipedia actually has a good entry on elections in Malaysia.

KY – what I did for the 50th Merdeka
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