I’m sure most of us have friends whom we never had the chance to meet up and share a cup of coffee over the friendly mamak stalls despite knowing each other for years.
becki, myself, and danny
A little while ago I had the chance to finally meet Becki, a gal from Sydney that I got to know through IRC (yes, it still exist!) since way back, a time when the World Trade Center were still standing, computers weren’t infected by adware, and the term ‘blog’ wasn’t invented yet.
It was unfortunate that I had to go to Vietnam the very next day after Becki and Danny arrived. I apologize for not being a host for their entire length of stay in KL.
was nice meeting you guys!
In the short few hours I got to play host to Becki and the boyfriend Danny, we went to Petaling Street and had some chicken jerky, Hong Kee clay pot chicken rice for dinner, walked the perpetual pasar malam of Petaling Street, and had a drink at Traders Hotel poolside bar (very nice hangout place). We also managed to sneaked in a Ramli burger for the couple right after dinner. Something that was very well received.
If you’re reading this, it was nice meeting you after so long. I hope I was a half decent host, and spend me nice dinners when I go to Sydney ok?
You’re already very nice to play host!
omg !!!! you’re trying to UPSKIRT HER !!! WTF !!!!
KY, you are a decent friend and good host. with the little time u have you already been to Petaling Street, ramli burger and manage to get a drink somemore, what more to ask!!!
🙂 hahahaha everything to terry is some kinda voyuer…
I miss the IRC times!
Oh wow, a very good angle there on the 1st pic, makes you look ‘taller’ than you actually are HAHAHA 😛
And Irc still exists? I think I’ve heard this line smwhere before *cough cough* and excuse me, I think you mean “KOPI” in mamak stalls.. cewah.. lol
trying to go after a girl on IRC huh….:)
Hay dude! i just got back….did you tax them pics from dannys site btw?? hahahaha geez atleast tax the better ones
anyhoos not sure if you got my email but id like to extend a big thank you for showing us such a great night out! you were an excellent host, with impeccable hospitality…. thanks for the ten kilos worth of pork….errrr….chicken (?) you left behind…. and for the awesome sense of humour that was displayed….albeit rather random at times! hehe
thanks again and we hope to be able to extend the same hospitality to you and your hot chick when you next come to sydney!
thanks for the great night out KY!
and wow geez thats a big picture of us! haha
we’ll be back in KL one day i am certain, looking forward to catching up with you once again =)
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Very nice of you .. indeed..!
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sigh.. too bad too bad
i forget the actual date that she came..
I didn’t know you know her!
lol~ i know her eh ky
i aop her in the channel
actually she did msn me.. but i accidently shut down my pc..
so i didnt know the exact date she come kl. ^^