The dad of a close friend’s friend is having a multiple bypass surgery on this coming 1st of March, 2007. The operation requires fresh blood and the surgeon has requested for at least 10 people of similar blood group (A+) to donate on the day of his surgery.

Around 1/3 of the population have type A+ blood running in their veins (I am a type O+ kid), so please do assist this family if you are one of them. You will also get an MC, not like it should be a motivation for doing this, but it’s a plus point.

I have donated a few times during various blood drives, it doesn’t hurt at all, and you get a free blood test in the process, too.

The crucial info:

  • Blood group required: A+
  • Name of Hospital: Subang Jaya Medical Centre (New Wing), 5th Floor (Blood Bank)
  • Opening Hours: 8.30 am – 5.30 pm (Monday to Friday) (Operates during lunch hours); 8.30 am – 12.30 pm (Saturday)
  • Patient’s Name: Lee Chiew
  • Date of Surgery: March 1, 2007

The donor needs to:

  • The Donor has to be healthy
  • The potential donor is required to go to the above hospital any day before the surgery date to have his / her blood screened. Should the potential donor do not know his / her blood group, the hospital will conduct the test
  • If the potential donor can only attend the screening test on the weekend, he / she will need to give one day prior notice to the hospital.
  • SJMC (Blood Bank) contact no.: 03-56306575
  • Contact person: Ms Siva
  • After having passed the screening test, the Donor will need to come to the hospital again on the Surgery date (9.00 am) for the donation.
  • Please be informed that the hospital will issue time-off medical certificates for both the screening and donation days.

Please feel free to contact any of us should you have questions on the above. Karina (012-3930993), Kevin (012-2998769) or Adrian (012-2317912)

Blood Donation for Multiple Bypass Surgery (type A+)

4 thoughts on “Blood Donation for Multiple Bypass Surgery (type A+)

  • February 13, 2007 at 12:49 pm

    wait a second…. correct me if i’m wrong but isn’t O type blood the ‘universal’ blood type?

  • February 13, 2007 at 12:56 pm


    you are right, O is universal and A+ should be able to accept A-, A+, O-, and O+. However, the exact same blood type is always recommended.

  • February 13, 2007 at 9:51 pm

    ky, thank you so much. this means a lot to my friend.

  • February 17, 2007 at 9:08 pm

    Dear friends,

    I am very grateful for this post. My name is Adrian and it is my father who requires the blood. My father is 70+ and have a history of a minor stroke. The surgery is very critical and to minimize the risks, the surgeon has requested for fresh blood and only of type A+.

    At the moment we have 11 donors and we need about 4 to 5 more. If you are of type A+ and willing. Please contact Ms Siva of SJMC on 03-56306575.

    Thank you so much.


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