The first thing we fill our stomach with when arriving dead starved (thanks to PLUS highway who decided to repave the road during Saturday rush hour) at Melaka was the pork satay. Situated opposite to the Pay Teck school on Jalan Portugis, the shop is actually just a few blocks away from the famous Jonker Walk.

Melaka Pork satay at Kedai Satay Xiang Ji
ooO glorious food

Satay is traditionally a Malay dish, and most of the time prepared by Muslim, hence, with Halal meat, ie: no pork. However, in this historic town of Melaka where you can get fried pork fat in Poh Piah, it is just fitting that pork satay is served too (by non-Muslim of course)

Melaka Pork satay at Kedai Satay Xiang Ji
the shop and the satisfied customers

The thing about this Xiang Ji satay shop is that you don’t really have to place any order. After you sit down, they will start to serve you satay soon as they are done from the barbecue pit. We had plenty of pork satay, liver satay and chicken satay, sadly, they ran out of my favorite: the pork intestine satay.

Melaka Pork satay at Kedai Satay Xiang Ji
satay with the ketupad, peanut sauce, raw cucumber and onion

The portion of a single satay is not very big here, probably about half the size of those huge Ampang satay, but the taste is different. The pork goes well with their marinate tastes of turmeric and some other sauces that I obviously don’t know (probably their trade secret). The liver though, can be a little dry, but still pretty good. The chicken satay did not disappoint either.

but ARGH, why no intestine!!?! Looks like I’ll have to go there again.

Chendol at Jonker Walk

After the satay, we went to Jonker Walk and to have some snack, other than the Poh Piah on previous post, we had the must-eat Chendol and also some very good otak-otak sold on a stall nearby the unmistakable Jonker88 restaurant.

The Chendol in Melaka is poured with the thick and original Gula Melaka (palm sugar) which made all the difference. The rich and sweet caramel taste of palm sugar on top of the finely shaved ice was just absolutely delightful.

Map of Melaka Pork satay
Look it! I can even draw up a Melaka map!

Kedai Satey Xiang Ji
50, Jln Portugis

GPS: 2.202817,102.244209
Tel: 019- 667 8868

88, Jalan Hang Jebat
75200, Melaka
GPS: 2.199570, 102.246644
Tel: 019-397 5665

KY eats – Pork Satay & Chendol at Melaka
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34 thoughts on “KY eats – Pork Satay & Chendol at Melaka

  • December 13, 2006 at 12:08 pm

    i look so ‘chan’ after driving for close to 4 hours thru the jam

  • December 13, 2006 at 12:32 pm

    wow…after view ur blog with those “food”….Melaka,wait for me!

  • December 13, 2006 at 1:43 pm

    Hmmm, another pork satay place. Looking at yr description, this one does not have pineapple in the sauce?

    Eh, how come you didn’t visit Lanatir’s parents place for Cendol? I like the pix of Lanatir – he looks so worried in that.

  • December 13, 2006 at 2:13 pm


    We arrived too late, the parents already closed shop and was happily watching tv.

  • December 13, 2006 at 2:28 pm

    BAH…. was BUSY!
    ey, when are we visiting penang?

  • December 13, 2006 at 2:42 pm


    this place is owned by the son of the jonker satay… so the recipe is the same with pineapple in the sauce as well. yes by the time we arrived, my parent’s place already out of food.

  • December 13, 2006 at 2:51 pm

    very few savoury pork satay (with pineapple sauce) left in melaka (served with liver and intestine)

    1) jonker street (aka sun may hiong) is the old man’s one – formerly opposite geographer cafe then moved to head of jonker street and now in kota laksamana
    2) elder son – used to be in bunga raya… now no more. helping old man run his shop afaik
    3) younger son – runs this xiang ji place

    other families

    1) one in lorong hang jebat stones throw from hoe kee chicken rice – still running
    2) one under pokok ketapang at head of jln tengkera – this place is one of my personal faves since it opened at night but now the man has retired. meat portion here was larger and cheaper

  • December 13, 2006 at 6:35 pm

    My hometown’s pork satay still rules. There was a superbike convoy from Singapore came all the way to eat them! 😀 And yes, they have pork intestine for you. Hehe.

  • December 13, 2006 at 6:40 pm

    Cool I like those satay as well!
    Btw, thanks for dropping by 🙂 Glad you are around!

  • December 14, 2006 at 12:04 am


    If you would only tell us where is your hometown…

  • December 14, 2006 at 12:18 am

    Tampin. Toll exit is Alor Gajah / Simpang Empat, one stop before Ayer Keroh only. If you guys want to make a visit to A Famosa Water World, do let me know. I can arrange you guys to go in for free. 🙂 But have to let me know in advance lah, no last minute.

  • December 14, 2006 at 1:02 am

    Wooo pork satay. Never try bfore. So how is it? I think need to have ‘pun fei sau’ then it will damn nice lor.

  • December 14, 2006 at 9:59 am

    ketupat la not KETUPAD. u idiot or what!!!! MALAYSIAN?! damn 7 stupid

  • December 14, 2006 at 11:51 am


    I don’t have a spell checker that recognizes ketupad or ketupat, but thanks for telling.

    Your judgment of idiocy is obviously very unique, perhaps you should suggest that to the ministry of education

  • December 14, 2006 at 12:46 pm

    harlo im new to your food blog but alrdy its making me so hungry! i love your little maps and i cant wait to go back to malaysia in feb and check out all the places!

  • December 14, 2006 at 4:36 pm

    Wow Wow Wow!!! I must make a trip down to Melaka this weekend oledi. Thanks for the map….make things more easier for me.

  • December 15, 2006 at 11:05 am

    Jason, is the satay stall in Tampin the one only open for business at 11pm? That one also very good. They have char kuay teow fried with lard.

    Kelvin, where is your parent’s shop? I am actually from KL but now based in Melaka work wise.

  • December 16, 2006 at 5:10 pm

    terence, it’s on heeren street. joanchew blogged about it 🙂

  • January 2, 2007 at 11:58 pm

    yaya,Tampin’s satay rules.And it’s char kwey teow were fantastic!Everything begins on it’s ‘khua’.Not interested on other satays since i’v ever tried tampin ah da’s satay..Yum yum…
    Satay starts midnight and char kwey teow starts at least 12.30 a.m.Crowded during weekends and public holiday. you might need to trouble your hand if it’s real crowded.

  • Pingback:» KY travels - Melaka Trip during CNY - by

  • March 13, 2007 at 4:15 am

    omg, i was born in sg of a malacca-serani mother and an ang mo texan dad. i grew up in singapore for the first 12 years of my life and still visit every so often. however, i’ve not been back since 2000 and i’ve had a craving for some dishes that are unique only to sg & my folks. especially the dry poh piah. your blog space and pics have brought back a flurry of memories, not to mention the most incredible munchies attack!!!! and my olfactory senses are working overtime creating phantom smells of my favorite foods. my next trip ‘home’ to sg, i will create another food list of items i will want to devour. i did this the last time – i spent 4 weeks and had a list of at least 3 dozen ‘things to eat’. i managed to find and eat everything i listed. looks like this time, though, i will have to make a jaunt to melaka. haven’t been there in over 20 years. please, do you have any blogs on dining in Portuguese Settlement? my greatgrandma (lived on praya lane) made the best tamarind shrimip ever! any place in melaka that serves that?


    • April 1, 2012 at 3:57 am

      do u noe 43 ,praya lane ,melaka ?sorry for asking but im finding for my long lost relative =( their names are GOH AH KING and TEO AH QUE. i really need all the helps . thanks you

      • April 2, 2012 at 5:35 pm

        teo: unfortunately I don’t.

  • Pingback:» KY eats - Chicken Rice Ball at Melaka (Chung Wah restaurant) - by

  • June 4, 2007 at 2:56 pm

    Hi tracy,

    My Malacca is full of menories for me. I lived in Praya lane. studied at the bandar hilair english schhol. Its along time I left malacca.
    Everyday eveining i used to wat for the cart vendors who sold sotong,
    chendols, eecha kway. And at around 0830 pm comes the satay man.
    I miss malacca and praya lane.

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  • February 20, 2008 at 7:42 pm

    My name is Jenny Rettig and I have lived in Ujong Pasir many many years ago. I had a friend called Steven Tan living in Praya Lane. I met him when I was in Form 4 or Form 5. He was from St. Francis Xavier School. After finishing my High School I left for Malaysia for further studies. Eversince I lost contact with him and have been trying to locate him again but in vain. I forgot his chinese name.All I know is that he must be around 51 years old now. Is it possible for you to find him ? I know that chances are slim but I need someone who has also lived there before to help me look for him. Looking foward to your reply. Best wishes, Jenny

  • February 23, 2008 at 3:49 am

    Hi Ravi,

    Since you have lived in Praya Lane, maybe you could help me out with regards to my earlier comments. Would be great if you could reply to my enquiry. Thanks !


  • » KY eats - Hoe Kee Chicken Rice Ball at Jonker Street, Melaka

  • May 4, 2009 at 10:24 pm

    just tried the chendol today, the gula melaka is good. unfortunately, the use of packet coconut milk, does not blend in well. if fresh coconut milk is used, it will perfect!

  • May 5, 2009 at 9:26 am

    Almost perfect then. 😀

  • November 23, 2009 at 5:45 pm

    Hi Jenny Loh,
    I am visisting melaka afetr a long gap of 45 years.I am afraid It will be as diffiult task for me to find your friend, as a pin in a hay stack. sorry about that.
    good luck


  • November 24, 2009 at 9:34 am

    wah that’s a long time.

  • Pingback:Food Melaka ~ Day 2 | Deliciouslogy

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