Here are two quizes for you to exercise that noob brain of yours. Lets see if you can get the answer, noob!
note: the answer might only appear a few seconds after you place your mouse over the image.
Question 1: Mouse that stands on two feet?
Now lets see if you can get the next one. Duck that stands on two feet?
KY riddles – Mouse that stands on two feet
a: mickey mouse
b: every duck stands on two feet…? dont they?
diu = old and lame
KY: that’s only because you are old, mike. :PÂ
damn free ahh
haha dang! i fell for it. donald duck popped in my mind 1st…
ahaha… funny. also, why does donald duck sometime wears a shirt w/o pants, and sometimes pants w/o a shirt?
LOL old classic.
1. Stewart Little … darn, I’ve messed the joke up haven’t I …
Dabido… I think you meant STUART Little?
Stuart Little, Jerry, Minnie Mouse, Mighty Mouse, Speedy Gonzalez, Master Splinter, all the mice you see in Garfield… just to name a few…
v0ices – Um, yeah … I never could spell peoples names right! lol
saw you at BU Centerpoint Starbucks yesterday. hehe
i totally didn’t get caught.
Hmm…same lame jokes I told many many years ago.
Now I have more.
hï½ï½ˆï½ï¼Žï¼Žï¼Žï½“ï½ï½ï½…tiï½ï½…s we sud ï½ï½ï½‹ï½… ï½ï½•ï½’self hï½ï½ï½ï½™ã€€ï½ï½Žï½„ lï½ï½•ï½‡ï½ˆã€€ï½ï½ï¼Žï¼Žï¼Žï¼Žï½ˆï½ï½ï½ï½™ã€€ï½ï½Žï½„ lï½ï½•ï½‡ï½ˆã€€ï½ï½Œï½—ï½ï½™ï½“ ï½ï½ï½‹ï½… u yï½ï½•ï½Žï½‡ï½…r ï½ï½Žï½„ ï½ï½’ettier(ï½ï½ï½’e hï½ï½Žï½„sï½ï½ï½…) lï½ï½’..
i hate to be a copycat, but spiller summed up my response -.-
Mr Green: hahahah, too bad then. 😛
2) duck of course standing with 2 feet, otherwise, how they can stand ?? ishhh
hahaha smart!