I was doing some grocery shopping at Giant Kelana Jaya and Kerol spotted this fakeplan door. Images of Master Q (è€å¤«å) comics rushed up in my brain..
i would hate to open the door from that room..
Closer look revealed no alternate way of getting up or down that room. I’m not sure about you, but I would hate to be the person opening the door from within that room after a nice afternoon nap and walk straight out on pure air.
a closer inspection
Ah.. the wonder of modern architecture.
KY saw – fakeplan door at KJ Giant
I m a regular visitor of KJ Giant, but never notice wor.
There’s a house in SS2 housing area (the bomba side) with a similar door, on the 1st floor. Facing the junction, i think it’s for fung sui.
Yesterday upon the stair,
I meet a man who wasn’t there,
He wasn’t there again today,
Oh wait, neither are the stairs … arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!
It’s either a highly secure room where break-ins are not possible without bringing along a ladder or a door left behind when they tear down the upper floor to make room for more shelves…
Wait, this is Malaysia right! It must be the later… LOL
KY: considering they sell ladders just right at the next aisle, the first explanation isn’t very plausible. hehe
A great Mahaguru resides within.
He levitates up and down to get in and out.
Now, don’t ask me why a Mahaguru would reside in a Giant Hypermarket.
store kot ?
Doesn’t look fake to me. There might be a ladder somewhere??? Press a hidden button or something? Did you ask?
they just use a forklift and lift the person up la…