Don’t you always feel very sien (frustrated/bored/pissed, sien is a very versatile word) having to stand in the LRT with dozens of sweating bodies right next to you, for half an hour just to get to the office? I feel for you, and hence let me teach you this awesome method of always getting a seat. Devised by yours truely after using the LRT for a couple years.

Taman Bahagia LRT Station
you can see the Kelana Jaya Station from Taman Bahagia’s

Here’s the easy-to-follow, step by step instruction:

1. Instead of boarding at the first station, Kelana Jaya, take the 2nd, Taman Bahagia. As it is very difficult to get a seat even from the first station, why? you might ask..
2. From Taman Bahagia, instead of taking the train to town, go to the other side of the track and take the train that is going back up to Kelana Jaya
3. When the train reached KJ, everyone (except the smart asses like me) will go off, and you’ll get an empty seat. The train will now go to KL.

Taman Bahagia LRT Station
crucial moment, when the train is/isn’t going to change track

The three easy steps mentioned above is sure enough, simple to follow, but there’s a catch! At Kelana Jaya station, the staff will sometimes make everyone go off, and then have the empty train go to town, skipping several stations to pick up passangers whom otherwise will not get a chance to board the trains that get filled up by the 3rd or 4th station. In this case, you’ll be stuck at KJ waiting for another train, which defeats the whole purpose of getting up from Taman Bahagia.

Of course, there is a solution. If a train is left empty, the next one will not. So, at Taman Bahagia, never take the first train that gets there. Let it pass, and look at where the train stops at KJ (it is close enough for naked eyes to see). If it is on the left side of the track, it will be left tempty, you can board the next train. If it is on the right side of the track, skip the next train as chances are high that it will be the empty train next.

Taman Bahagia LRT Station
Red path – empty train, Green path – normal train

Petrol is now RM 1.92 per liter, use the public transportation wisely. You don’t have a reason not to, now that you know the secret of getting a seat. Happy train-ing

Disclaimer: his only works for Taman Bahagia LRT station going to town. For other stations and routes, you can try to not bath for 2 weeks, I’m sure you will have an empty car all by yourself.

KY – how to always get seats on LRT

22 thoughts on “KY – how to always get seats on LRT

  • April 17, 2006 at 11:45 am

    You can also get it at the car that is nearest to stairs instead of the escalator. Because many people just like to stand near the escalator and lift and get in from there. Of course this doens’t work if the car is already full. It’s such a pain in the ass if you get in at one side and the station you have to get down is on other side. Wading through the crowd is an exercise in patience 😛

  • April 17, 2006 at 12:17 pm

    Bangkok : Peak hour – MRT/LRT move between stations : max – 30 sec, furthest, max – 40 sec. Each station is 3-5 km away. Train does not stop for more than 15sec. Peak hour train frequency – 4 mins, none peak – 8 mins.

    And between KLCC and Dang Wangi, there is a WTF KNNCCB station that never pick up more than 100 people per day.

    KY: lets say, 30 seconds to cover 3 km.. meaning the train will cover 6km in 1 minute, 60 minutes = 360 km/h ?? Dude, even the Bullet train in Japan is slower! heaahehae, I think you got your math wrong some where.. The Kampung Baru station is bad (between KLCC & Dang Wangi,) but the prize for the most useless station goes to Abdullah Hukum, completely missed Mid Valley and stopped at a village instead, picking up maybe 5 person per day. It’s sad…

  • April 17, 2006 at 12:20 pm

    haha alot of ppl r using this method la… if not.. at KJ station itself.. the train will be full ady.. many lines of ppl in the morning..

  • April 17, 2006 at 2:51 pm

    trying to work this out is more stressful than waitinG!

  • April 17, 2006 at 3:07 pm

    Try taking the KTM for a day and see.

    Putra is GOD already when compared to KTM.

  • April 17, 2006 at 3:17 pm

    this can be applied to Wangsa Maju station too, no?

    KY: except you cannot see Terminal Putera from Wangsa Maju. hehe

  • April 17, 2006 at 5:00 pm

    Spiller, it’s the same theory. That’s what I did at the other end of Putra LTR. Wangsa Maju station was always very crowded, so I normally took the train towards Terminal Putra (in fact, Taman Melati station is good enough) then pick a nice seat and enjoy the ride. 😀

  • April 17, 2006 at 5:09 pm

    Car is still the best. Especially when its a Odd-coloured Red/Maroon MR2 with huge ass exhaust. Or a fakeplan Waja/Chancellor

  • April 17, 2006 at 6:39 pm

    Wangsa Maju is a war zone. In order to survive, you need a big machete.

    So taking the train back to Terminal Putra ensure you a long sleep right up to Kelana Jaya.

  • April 17, 2006 at 7:06 pm

    Heck no. I used to take the LRT down to KL from Taman Bahagia everyday for about a month and ALWAYS got a place to sit. You have to stand exactly where the door opens.

    As you come up the stairs (not the escalator), turn left and head towards the pillar. Opposite the pillar, next to the track, you will see a yellow tape on the floor. Stand in front of the yellow tape. The last door of the train opens exactly there.

  • April 17, 2006 at 8:03 pm

    maybe i am dumb, i m still figuring how to get on the 1st or 2nd train to K.J. anyway, doesn’t really affect me as I live in town area.

    hv fun travelling!

  • April 17, 2006 at 9:00 pm

    How about a solution for STAR LRT? There’s sufficient standing room when the train is the longer one, but the shorter one is a real pain! And the STAR people will change the length of the train when they please.

  • April 18, 2006 at 11:45 am

    FlowerBridge if you reading this, make room for me please. I be moving in with you since KY approved already. I be taking this LRT to work every morning with KY.

  • April 18, 2006 at 12:48 pm

    You are 1337. *worships you*

    I never thought of observing the train track because I don’t take the LRT in the peak hour mornings. I used to go to Kelana Jaya before they implemented the Kelana Jaya eviction method. I remember also having an empty train at Taman Jaya to town at 8:20am, but that was 4 years ago.

    vincent’s explanation sounds like a game walkthrough, LOL.

  • April 18, 2006 at 5:13 pm

    Walk to work lah!.. be like me… so enviromentally friendly…. see i set good examply for u all to follow… at least until my car come back from hospital… huhuhuhu.. i miss my pink bonet..

  • April 18, 2006 at 6:13 pm

    LOL @ KIM

    I have to agree with her. pening la i read thisssssss

  • April 19, 2006 at 8:19 am

    Um, if I’m going to have to endure that, I’d really rather pay for petrol…

    KY: petrol is not that bad, but the traffic jam..

  • April 19, 2006 at 8:48 am

    haihh! i just sat lrt for interview @ klcc on monday!

    crazy crowd!!! *faints*

  • April 19, 2006 at 9:30 am

    i pass … 1.15 hrs from KJ to Gombak … not gonna go thru d war again … it was many many many yrs before … company pays for d petrol now … i’m sticking with me car … huhu

  • April 19, 2006 at 6:32 pm

    Heh, get someone to drive la 😉


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