I was made aware of this local play that is coming to KL performing arts center by Emily, a friend and a blogger who is involved in this thingy. As someone who was actually involved in similar type of stuff before (back in Penang, years ago, in Mandarin,) I naturally got interested and agreed to help in giving a little metion of the play here, for whatever it (this blog) is worth.
The play – Rojak (not to be confused by certain funny blogger.) Read the following “press release” material written by the producer, Rueben:
What is ROJAK!?
In short its a compilation of shorts and monologues originally written put together into one big performance. Genres ranging from comedy, to tragic comedy to drama and even to political issues, which we’ll leave it as the unmentionables for now… As our objective is to make theatre more accessible to youth, I personally believe that TOS is a great hub for young aspiring thespians to come forward to express themselves. Rather than having one big play where there will only be 1 to 3 main characters, having multiple shorts will create an opportunity for everybody. Even aspiring writers.
Now the play is run by the group that calls themselves the oral stage. From my understanding, they are a bunch of students with too much time and basically think that acting in theater is cool or something. (much like what I did, though was only ever casted in comedies.. &^@#&) I figure they soon find that these stuff is hard work, involves a great deal of dedication, devotion, and faith. Then again, being in their 2nd year, I believe the oral stage is not just all talk and no show. I wish them luck and will certainly attend the show for the support of home-brewed, grass-root shows.
You can also read more on their website at theoralstage.blogspot.com. Go watch it, bring your date, this will be something out of the ordinary hollywood movie and popcorn. Besides, you get to visit the marvellous Sentul park koi center.
the poster, with more details
got cute girl in the cast too.. o.O bonus!
and this is where KLPac is located
note: read the review
cute girls ? that’ underage girl dude….
oi! she’s 21 la dude!
That cute girl can whoop yer ass in foos. We called her Ee and she’s a friend. Come AsiaCafe and you’ll get to meet her 😛
KY: Ahhhh, I think now I know who she is! I’ve seen her before at AC.
w00t! Kojaks back. Does he still eat choppa chops?
sounds good..
wah! Fishy so cute!
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