To whoever fell for the noob April Fool’s trick, sucks to be you. I was really travelling, and now lets talk about Tokyo DisneySea. Most of you might have heard of Disneyland, but there is really a newer (and better) Disney Park with the ocean theme right next to the older “land” version.

Tokyo DisneySea
this is how you get in..

The park is located at Chiba, just next to Tokyo city. Our tickets, or Disney Passports (or whatever heck they want to call that stub) allows us to go to either Disneyland or DisneySea, but not both, since you can’t realistically enjoy 2 parks in a day anyway. We chose DisneySea after reading some reviews about that place being a little more adult oriented (eg: they serve beer), and a lot newer, and more awesome.

Tokyo DisneySea
no photoshopping here, very nice fantasy world

Driving into the parking ram is an experience in itself. There were about 20 mouse eared Disney employee ushering us to the parking spot along the way. We didn’t have to make any wrong turnings or spend an extra minute mining for a spot. 27551 times better than hunting for a parking spot at 1-U, mid valley, or maybe a more realistic comparison, Sunway Lagoon.

Tokyo DisneySea
various attractions and rides

The park is divided into 7 sections to what they named “ports of call”. Mediterranean Habour, American Waterfront, Lost River Delta, Port Discovery, Mermaid Lagoon, Arabian Coast, and Mysterious Island. Each housing a different theme and attractions. For example, Mermaid Lagoon is just kawaii, orientated towards younger visitors, while the Lost River Delta spots slightly more hardcore attractions like the Indiana Jones Adventure, and the Raging Spirits rollercoaster that includes a 360 loop.

Tokyo DisneySea
dancing, singing, and all that jazz, all in Japanese

We ended up spending a lot of time walking around the park looking for the rides when the time on our “fass pass” comes up, and even more time waiting in some of the lines. Started off with 20,000 leagues under the sea (cute fakeplan submarine designed by Cap. Nemo), and ultimately went for Raging Spirits the rollercoaster, Sinbad’s Seven Voyages (basically a puppet show,) StormRider (beefed up cinema with awesome effects), Aquatopia (going round n round in a lake,) Journey to the Center of the Earth (thrilling ride,) Indiana Jones Adventure (scary with skulls and all,) took the Electric Railway (a bit too short) and also watched some of the famous disney shows (all in Japanese).

All these, including 2 meals, took the whole day. Between the waiting and the walking, it was a lot of fun. The decoration was superb, huge crowds even though it was a Tuesday, but most everyone was courteous and nice. Weather was a bit chilly that day tho.

Tokyo DisneySea
the food is actually pretty good

The food that we had at the park was actually quite nice. A mexican meal for lunch, american burger thingy for dinner, and pop corn in between with some nice warm tea. Don’t miss out on the park if you head to Tokyo. Seeing so many caucasian performers dancing jolly and singing in perfect (so far as I am aware) Japanese is just another kinda experience.

KY at Tokyo – Tokyo DisneySea
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10 thoughts on “KY at Tokyo – Tokyo DisneySea

  • April 4, 2006 at 10:54 am

    ‘and the Raging Spirits rollercoaster that includes a 360 loop.’

    Adds to my must do list. 🙂

    ‘Sinbad’s Seven Voyages (basically a puppet show,)’

    Did they catch fire like in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory??? 🙂

    ‘Seeing so many caucasian performers dancing jolly and singing in perfect (so far as I am aware) Japanese is just another kinda experience.’

    Could the songs have been taped???
    And how can you tell Chip ‘n’ Dale are caucasian??? 🙂

    KY: i haven’t met a Japanese name Chip, nor Dale. 😛

  • April 4, 2006 at 12:45 pm

    Is that chawa mushi on the pic there?

    Gee… sure you have fun…

    KY: that’s actually soup. hehe, western style.

  • April 4, 2006 at 12:49 pm

    wow! nice photos 🙂
    great food and great fun – what a way to have a holiday!

  • April 4, 2006 at 5:18 pm

    ….hmmmm hows the jap girls ? go for some good food stuff dude..not just the commercial shitty

    KY: oh, i had plenty of authentic Japanese food, just except when I was at Disneysea

  • April 4, 2006 at 6:14 pm

    KY – they’re in your final photo … ones on a boat and the other one on the dock. 🙂

    KY: you have good eyes. hehe

  • April 4, 2006 at 11:42 pm

    eh.. how come the date on the ticket is 2007.03.31?!?!?!?!

    means we can keep go in Disneysea until year 2007?!?!?!? wow!!! 😛

  • April 5, 2006 at 9:30 am

    how much is 5500 yen in Malaysian Ringgit?

    KY: one ringgit is about 30-33 yen.

  • April 5, 2006 at 5:34 pm

    to be one of the staff who sweeps the floor, a candidate has to go an intense 3 days of training. as far as i know, they learn which brooms to use on which surfaces, and how far they have to be from a customer. on the second day, they have to learn how to use digital cameras, so if a customer ever needs help taking pictures, they’re there.

    japanese people – so precise.


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