Did my last 3 posts convinced you I’m in Tokyo? hahahaha, maybe next I’ll post about a nice dip at onsen (hot spring), visiting Tokyo Disneysea, visiting the Nikko Shrines, or enjoying hanami (watching cherry blossom)
Photoshop is great, ss2 mamak tomorrow, anyone?
Happy April’s Fool Day.
KY at Tokyo – you believed me?
hmmmmmmmm.. u weren’t???
what the fuck right?
i mean… u were not on msn n all.. then.. the passport n the fake tickets……
ciss.. alwiz lookin forward to more post of u in jp. can’t afford to go there so what u did was pretty neat.. sigh but then u and i same same… can only dream.. well at least i dream but u photoshopped yaself….
lol wtf.
there are actually ppl that believes you were not in yapun.
where is mine bloody modem i ask u bring back to pg.. kns
KY: with my mom lah.
where is my bloody modem i ask u bring back to pg?
I am inclined to believe that this post is the April Fool’s post as the other previous posts were made in March.
haha… u r in nippon now la. the last post is meant to fool around!
misai jom!
Happy April Fools Day KY. 🙂
#$%^&*()..Haha..I have to say nice photoshop skill
got me there.
*clap clap clap*
Tiu … :p