KY Koi Pond Garden
a cool and soothing atmosphere

Been a while since I posted anything on the koi pond, thougt I’d just show you noobs how sweet it looks now and explains a little about the koi pond filteration system that I had set up. The filter system is designed to require very low maintenance, and at the same time, provide a superb condition for koi to live in.

But first, lets take a look at a couple snaps I took of the pond. The plants are now growing pretty tall as compared to just a couple months ago. You can compare it with this koi pond post that I wrote a few months back on September, and also this one from August. Huge difference isn’t it? However, the green and white plants are invaded by caterpillar recently and that has inhibit the growth quite a bit. The bamboo lookalike and the red leaf plants, however, has been going bezerk. The bourgonvilla is a new addition thanks to FA.

KY Koi Pond Garden
look at the nice gardening job

KY Koi Pond Garden
the kois grew quite abit too

Now lets get a little more pro and talk about the koi pond filter for a bit. Noobs like you might need a little fishy lesson and KY’s here to provide, worry not.

Koi, like any other fish, produces waste. The primary contribution of fish waste would be ammonia, and kois don’t particulary like their living environment to be of high ammonia content. Which bring us to the why the biological filter is needed: To create an eco system that will consume koi waste and keep the water parameter in safe and healthy level for the fish.

KY Koi Pond Filter System
first and second chamber of the koi pond filter

My filter is of the simple and old school 5 chamber variety. The first chamber is the settlement chamber, I leave a small net to catch bigger particles and also left the chamber empty to catch any heavy sinking debris. The 2nd chamber is filled with Japanese mat. The purpose of the mat is not so much filtration of particles, but to provide a surface for bacteria to colonise. The bacteria here serves the purpose of converting Ammonia to Nitrite, which is a bit more tolerable by the kois.

KY Koi Pond Filter System
third and forth chamber of the koi pond filter

I had filled the 3rd and 4th chamber with bio balls and bio stones respectively. These too are mediums for which different types of bacteria will colonise and make up the biological filtration system. The 2nd type of bacteria will convert the Nitrite to Nitrate.

KY Koi Pond Filter System
fifth chamber of the koi pond filter

Brush occupies the last chamber. I had added this as the last step simply because I bought the brush the latest. Thiese too serve the purpose for bacteria colonization. As to which type of bacteria thrives best on which surface, I don’t have a simple scientific way to find out. Then again, my filter system works just fine, with healthy water parameters.

KY Koi Pond Filter System
plants to soak up the Nitrate

So, if you’re following me, the Ammonia is converted to Nitrite, then to Nitrate. Well, the kois don’t really love Nitrate either, though they tolerate it much better than Ammonia. Hence this is where the plants come in to make the full eco system, apart from the healthy coating of algae on the wall and bottom of the pond, I have added a few rooted money plants to soak up the excess Nitrate. As a bonus, they are rather asthetically pleasing, I am trying to grow them around the water fall area.

KY Koi Pond Filter System
flushing the filter

To keep the pond clean, I simply flush the 3 bottom outlets of the filter for about 10 seconds each daily. Usually in the morning when I feed them. When the flushed water gets to be somewhat green, all I need to do is to shake the filter elements and flush all the dirt out. The process takes not more than half an hour and only need to be done once a couple months.

Awesome, isn’t it? Don’t you wish you have a koi pond too?

Koi Pond – Filter System and Pond Maturity

30 thoughts on “Koi Pond – Filter System and Pond Maturity

  • - Eat, Pimp, Animate, Draw, I am Fun! » Archivio Blog » Koi Pond - Filter System and Pond Maturity

  • January 13, 2006 at 12:32 pm

    Awesome, isn’t it? Don’t you wish you have a koi pond too?


  • January 13, 2006 at 12:35 pm

    Nicely done KY – looks like you have to by a few more small koi and maybe ought to create some place for them to produce more lil koi.

  • January 13, 2006 at 3:16 pm

    Best Koi pond I ever seen for a home! Tres Bien!!!!

  • January 13, 2006 at 3:25 pm

    AWESOME…. simply awesomeeeee……..

  • January 13, 2006 at 8:13 pm

    Y u never mention anything on the mural painting? i think its part of the koi pond rite?

  • January 13, 2006 at 9:48 pm

    can i change that mural painting theme.. to wild sexy babe instead.. :p

  • January 14, 2006 at 1:03 am

    Hey… too much algae is bad though. Excesssive nitrate and algae are main factors of lake pollutions all across North America. The algae will eventually deprive your koi of oxygen. Thought you’d like to know 🙂

  • January 15, 2006 at 1:59 pm

    Look like a nice place to do yoga….

  • January 18, 2006 at 9:21 pm

    KY – unanimous vote for you to be proud – but watch out for the well meaning comment for you to add some more fish. With the excellent facilities and water that you are providing, those little ones are going to grow, and grow, and …

  • January 18, 2006 at 10:37 pm

    alicia: yah, really. me and my housemate horny, plus some part time helpers. look at the Koi Pond section. 😉

  • - Eat, Pimp, Animate, Draw, I am Fun! » Archivio Blog » Koi Pond - fixing busted filter flush out tap

  • June 15, 2006 at 6:04 am

    Hi nice pond and details on the filtration system etc. I have been a fish (water keeper) for going on 30 years or so. Not to put a dampers on things but if it works for you then dont change But I truly believe the brushes should be used in the 1st chamber to filter out the solids. The reasoning behind all filter media as you stated is to create the correct environments for the bacteria to grow. The other reasoning on filter media progression through the chambers is that you have the easiest media to clean in the 1st slowly progressing to the more difficult like matting and alfagrog etc.last. Also the actual surface areas of the brushes isnt that great to colonise the good bacteria comapered to matting or alfagrog. Brushes are ideal for slowing the water slightly and getting rid of the larger solids and never really get blocked. Also no ariation should be used in the settlement chambers obviously.

    Anyway if your water is good and crystal clear by all means leave it alone but if you are always looking for perfection then try a change around and see how you go.

    Regards Ian

    KY: thanks for the suggestion, I think I will try that the next time I clean the filter.

  • August 14, 2006 at 4:47 pm


    Was going through your food reviews when i discovered your Koi Pond section, and holy cow.

    Kudos to you and your housemate for putting together such a fine koi pond. Esp appreciate the landscaping job.

    I do have one thing to ask though. Noticed in some of the pics that the algae was starting to build up. Do you have to like empty the pool and scrub it down from time to time? Was just wondering cause they would be alot of work.

    Anyways, i always thought that it would be too much work to keep a koi pond, but just reading through your koi pond series has given me motivation. heh.

  • April 29, 2008 at 8:35 pm

    Wowww…Thanks for your detailed insights to pond making.

    I too have been comtemplating digging a hole for a pond in my mom’s house.

    I know that you did it some time back, but you mentioned that you placed a wire mesh every 3 layer of bricks, how do you ensure that the joins are firm when the mesh overlaps.
    I also assume that it was laid Brick, cement, mesh, cement, next layer of brick.

    Hope fully you get what I mean… If not, its OK.

    An impressed admirer of your pond.


  • April 30, 2008 at 1:42 am

    Thanks thanks. You just need to overlay the wire mesh, pretty simple actually. 😀

  • » My Lurve Affair With My Koi Pond!

  • August 24, 2015 at 4:38 pm

    Hi Ken, i was googling for maintenance of koi pond and I came across yr DIY pond. Amazing job you hav done! My pond is 9’Lx 6’W x 4’D. I wonder if you do have any contact of pond cleaning services. If you cld let me know. Thanks. Linda

    • August 24, 2015 at 4:45 pm

      Hi Linda,
      Koi Pond usually doesn’t require any cleaning as it matures, all you need to do is cleaning the filter elements from time to time. Any local koi suppliers can advise/help with that.

      • August 24, 2015 at 4:57 pm

        its the filter compartment that needed cleaning. The contractor who built it did not do a good job, the flooring at the base is not slanted towards the drainage hole. The drainage compartment outlet is higher than it should be. therefore, I cant possibly do cleaning myself.

        • August 24, 2015 at 5:05 pm

          I see, perhaps you should try going to Taman Desa and find one of the two koi suppliers for help? Where are you located?

  • January 6, 2016 at 10:23 pm

    How I wish I can get to have this filter for my fish pond

    • January 7, 2016 at 8:12 am

      Maxwell: build one! 😀

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