New species of bee discovered by yours truely. Do not afraid, this bee does not stink sting, heck, there isn’t any gathering of honey nor does it produce beeswax to build honeycomb. The sample was spotted at my residence right before a particular company dinner…..
Abit scary isn’t it? It was horny’s company dinner and everyone needed to wear a hat. All he got was this honey bee hat, so I figured I make him some wings using coat hangers for the whole package, we even found a fake flower to go with the not so genuine bee. But after all these efforts, the dude didn’t have the balls to carry his wings into the ballroom. So no, he didn’t get the best costume prize.
What a let down, but my fashion prowess is not to be taken lightly. Thank you very much
this is so wrong…
Doesn’t stink?
I guess you mean sting?
Yah…it’s early I know 🙂
And yeah, it’s just WRONG!
You’re sweet as a honey bee
But like a honey bee stings
You’ve gone and left my heart in pain
Hey wait a second, that song doesn’t even rhyme!!!!
Blind Melon’s video clip for ‘No Rain’ also comes to mind.
Seeing Horny half naked in his bee hat is very disturbing.
OMG IT’S ON..i want the wings!
woo woo …cute hat!
omg omg omg omg omg … must wash eye ball with detol…
wah, now that’s cute!
so the cute lehhhh =P
that’s chan mat chat’s bee hat lar
FA, wat is so disturbing
Dabido, pls stop that.
Cipet KY. kns. everyone see me naked liao lar.. FU
wtf ? no hair at all, bro !
KY Fashion rocks!
Hee hee! Sorry Horny … just trying to be funny mate. 🙂
hey man thts awesome lol - Eat, Pimp, Animate, Draw, I am Fun! » Archivio Blog » KY eats - Fresh Prawn Noodle at Restaurant Green View, SS2 - Eat, Pimp, Animate, Draw, I am Fun! » Archivio Blog » KY saw - Horny Mini Jacket
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