blog meet with peter tanTo cap off the holiday season and the success of hair for hospice charity drive by Peter Tan, we had hosted a blog meet at my place. Some twenty people turned up and it was great fun.Peter had dutifully shaved off his head a couple days ago instead of doing it at my place, I thought it would have been a lot more fun otherwise. With Paul’s facial hair and his probably daily shaving practise, I’m sure he could have done a job on par with the barber that Peter consulted.

As per Peter’s initial request that everyone should prepare enough food for 20, we ended up with more than we can possibly gobble up. There were pasta from Emily, 20 pieces of huge curry puff from Paul & fox, sausages from Reta, fried mee hun from FA, yong tau foo from Kenneth, drinks from a few other people, and more..

blog meet with peter tan
everyone like happy happy like that..

Some of us had the remaining food for dinner, and still there are leftovers. I just want to say “Told you so, Peter boy!”

blog meet with peter tan
some noob photos

Clockwise from top left: Kenneth and fox acting surprised, Jolene trying to gain some weight that she really needs, Andreas and Emily drinking and having curry puff, and suanie trying to measure her boobs in a strange way.

blog meet with peter tan
more noob photos

Clockwise from top left: Reta taking a picture of me taking a picture of her.. heh, Emily, serge, and a smiling Reta, Albert standing in the middle and Chea Yee at the far right, and suanie with horny seems to be having a ball.

We ate, talked, ate, watched 2 DVDs (the longest yerd, and euro trip), ate, ate, ate.. social social abit. It was a nice meet up and I hope everyone had fun. To the noobs who over slept, had to work, or stays too far away, it’s your lost. hehe

The noobs that came includes (in no particular order):

Might have not known your blog link or spell your name correctly, do let me know.
See you again!

KY blog meets – Botak Peter Tan and more

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