So Horny was supposed to bring his colleagues for a crab feast, and we were asked to join along. His colleagues somehow fakeplanned him, but since we were already all worked up in anticipation, we went for De Foodland crab place at Kepong anyway, just horny, sotong, FA, and I. Suanie was too sleepy, and ST was busy fixing his hdd.. boy did those noobs missed out.

Kepong Crab with 30 varieties
Kerol eating her ebiko from cold storage, siao. FA is hungry

We were starving after fighting through the slow ass moving cars on LDP. We ordered sweet and sour crab, steamed crab with chinese wine, vege with foo yu, tofu with fakeplan abalone (mushroom), rice, and also a roll for dipping that sweet and sour sauce. Kerol brought along her ebiko to look sophisticated.

30 varieties, kepong crab
How’s your appetite?

The tofu was very smooth and the fake abalone mushroom was especially well textured. The crabs, they were excellent. Big fat claws and they are well crushed too, this is the first time that I did not need a nut cracker, a hammer, or my yet to developed wisdom tooth to crack the shell. The sweet and sour crab was a bit messy to eat, but the taste was very rich. Dipping the bun in the sauce, and it was like OMFGodly good. Too bad we were too hungry and gorged down a plate of rice prior to the crab arriving, otherwise we would have ordered more rolls.

eating crab at kepong
That’s how you peel a claw, noob!

The steamed crab with chinese wine was something I had for the first time. It was a pretty different taste, I don’t usually associate herbs with crab, but the combination was rather delicious. FA couldn’t stop drinking the soup base, she said it was sweet and tastey. We think it was because of the alcohol. The fried vege was very good too, by the way.

The shop serves crab in 30 different ways. They are: Marmite, Cantonese Style Steamed, Lighty Soya Sauce, Special Taste, Black Pepper, Hot & Spicey, Sweet & Sour, Kam Heong, Black Stout, Kong Pao, Curry, Pepper Salt, Stir Fried, Cheese, Fragrant Flower, Pan Fried, Creamy Mushroom, Fermented Black Bean, Creamy Butter, Mee Hoon Fried Crab, Nyonya, Crispy Butter, Ginger & Spring Onion, Steam with Chinese Wine, Vietnamese Style, Claypot Creamy, Claypot Drunken, Steamed with Yellow Wine, Claypot Yellow Wine, and finally, Salted Egg Yolk.

They also have about 10 items on the menu that you have to order 3 days in advance. Those stuff are probably rather pricey. Our dinner costs RM 160 for 4, not exactly cheap, but the food was definately good, and the service was fast. It was a weekday afterall.

map to Kepong crab place
I always show you how to get there, don’t I?

De Foodland
25&26, Jalan 3/62B, Bandar Sri Menjalara
52200 Kuala Lumpur
GPS: 3.190243,101.638405
Tel: 03-6274 4796

They have a website at too

KY eats – Kepong Crab, 30 varieties at De Foodland
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