I got 2 spanks from I talk too much. If you are redirected from there and are unfamiliar with this blog, well, there’s more than just food being served. Check out some of the other more interesting posts, such as those under Riddles, and Animation & Draw categories.
KY – I got spanked twice
i hatchu
congrats on the smackage
wah so nice ah.. what they said?
I’m sure you can get lots of other smacks from girls just by saying the right thing to them. 🙂
Congrats on not getting a rotten fish! 🙂
you need a spell check. either that, or you need to type slower
KY: typed too fast, hehe
I got 3 when it was my turn; but then I lurve spankings. 😛
wo…u so lucky woh..kena spank…tell me who who who?
fuck – i got a rotten fish….lolz.
KY u better help me out with the layout and all those f**king html. diu!
Found your website when browsing for “Jogoya Japanese Buffet at StarHill” love ur sense of humour!
KY: hehe, thanks thanks. *bows*
Wow! That was a very tame review from the Merciless Minx. Compared to yours I got roasted and dumped. Congrats.